And the lesson learned today is dont buy stuff u dont need
Like a big ass audi bottlecap
No more Luke Cage ;-(
Is it cancelled
Good luck.
Needs a banana for scale.
Sadly yes, no season 3
High Five.
Morning everyone. Not too excited for the start of this week, but oh well, let’s do this!!
Hi everyone. I’ve got so much work this week. Feeling a bit stressed. Really looking forward to the December holidays.
Morning people of the palace
Took the weekend off, did as little as possible and relaxed truly.
Came home from my brothers place to find a dead dassie in the house. At first I thought it was a neighbors rabbit. Put the dogs outside, grabbed a towel and carefully moved the chairs away. Realised that it wasnt moving, tapped it with a ruler, that is when I realised it was dead.
The dogs must have scared it to death, it was stuck behind that cabinet, and ironically its the one spot in the house my dogs wont really get close too. Mika is petrified of the chairs - the noise it makes when they fall drives him nuts.
Since I have no idea how long it was dead, I rather threw it away
greetings !
Hello all, lots of beating off has taken place since my last visit here.
Work has got me tied up so just popping my head in here to say I am still alive… for now.
Have a lekker day peeps
Morning all, been doing some last minute studying for my exam later today. Taking a break now.
Hallo Hallo
goodluck with your test later!
Good luck dude!
Im working out exam papers now to prep for my last one
Hi all, another week. Hope it’s a good one for you.
feel like crap went to bed only at 1:30