Ok this fight is killing me, I have been here an hour and 30mins and no movement
Is online registration not an option for you?
^ This has me excited
Hi everyone. Had a bit of a frustrating morning but hopefully everything is sorted now. How are all of you doing?
I wish it was, I had to find out exactly what I still needed to do to finish the degree.
I am officially on my last 3 subjects of which one is a practical experience - no idea what it is or what I need to do for it - and they couldn’t tell me.
At least I am registered for it all.
So MAC2601 - Principles of Management Accounting (I refused to do FAC26020 again - I cant stand failing it again)
HRM2604 - Performance Management Practices
ADP3701 - Administrative practice III (Experiential training)
Half the info I wanted but at least I got it
I felt so bad, 90% of the people there was registered and got into a uni but all the uni’s are full
Even unisa has no more space, they are just going every day to see if they can get a spot but yea with all the classes full they are stuffed.
If only the government didn’t waste R300 billion. They could have built more universities and create more work but nooooo, we have to steal all the money.
Is it nap time?
Wow home time already day went by really fast today.
Morning all
Morning. Another day is up on us.
Morning everyone. Almost weekend. How’s everyone doing today?
Hopefully better than yesterday.
Looks like its going to be hot today. I’m done with summer now. Need some of that winter coolness
Morning people of the palace
I am sleepy but I can cope cos its almost weekend