Yay, the boss is gone for the weekend. Now I must just hope that there aren’t any clients with issues for the rest of the day.
I hate Fridays at work.
Something always goes wrong
That’s my worry. Hopefully things will just be quiet. But as you say Fridays are always the days when something happens.
Things have already gone to shit for me lol. I hope your day goes better.
Oh noes! Good luck over there!
Thank you! I’m gonna sit here and eat a sandwich
I hope you all have a better afternoon!
Mine is quiet, Im sleepy tho, at least my anxiety levels have dropped since yesterday
Hey guys. It’s the weekend:blush:
Anyone familiar with SLOW lounges?
I have no idea what that is
It’s places at airports where you can go chill while you wait for your flight. There’s an entry fee (but you can get in for free, FNB, etc). I’m just trying to see the point of going into one
Most likely its there for the people who dont want to wait with the masses for their flights?
there is free food inside…sometimes alcohol as well, and internet
Free food! I’m sold
oh and there are bathrooms with shower facilities as well
Sounds better than I imagined. Will try it out next time I’m flying somewhere. My wife’s on her way to CT for a course tomorrow. I told her she could go in to check it out, but don’t think she’ll have time
Ummmmmmmmmmm I dont know what to say
You’re in the wrong line of business, homie!
Eyo - whom of you work on Saturdays and Sundays?
I work occasional saturdays