Beating Off 2.0

COD - such a tryhard sniper fest. ugh.

Morning people! So happy that today is a public holiday! Slept until 8. :smiley: Canā€™t remember the last time I did that.


Morning Soli, its sad that I want to wish this weekend over. Didnt get to do much of anything that I wanted to, I stayed home with the parents. Sat was spent driving all over, running errands for mum and that night was unpacking my cupboards and cleaning it so that she could paint them white again - they have gone yellow with age. Sunday the morning was spent baking dog cookies and the afternoon painting my cupboard - dunno what she gonna paint after this is done, maybe the kitchen ones. This is her way of staying busy.
It causes a lot of unnecessary drama because my dad hates it - aka he is to lazy to fix minor stuff in the house. Including a leak the laundry room roof that is getting to the point of buckets under it when it rains cos it floods the house.
Today we are paionting the cupboard doors, and then I have to pack everything back. So didnt get time to play anything :frowning:


Same. Except I managed to get to almost 9! Felt so guilty about it, got up and went and rode the bicycle for half an hour. Now I need to lie down again :grinning:


Aw Iā€™m sorry to hear that Wyv!


In January of this year, I had an epiphany. Realising that I (mostly) live like Christian, in spite of the fact that I considered my self to be non religious.

Over the past month or so, Iā€™ve come to realise that, while, at the time, having converted back felt great. I felt very positive of things with this mindset. As the year passed though ā€“ and now especially ā€“ that feeling that I had ā€¦ It passed.

I am not conflicted. I feel as though being part of the religion feels disingenuous. However, if I was to (once again) ā€œleaveā€ Christianity, that itā€™d looks as though Iā€™m taking the religion for a joke.

Quite a deep thought and controversial conversation for a public forumā€¦ Hope you find your inner peace and the joy that comes with the decision.

Iā€™m a Christian myself and I find joy and peace in my own beliefs and Iā€™ve known many others who have found and lost religious beliefs throughout their lives, some accepting their new world view and others who gravitate back to what they knew and felt comfortable with. At the end of the day itā€™s a really personal matter and decision that only you can make.

Yeah - I donā€™t like talks of religion to begin with. It can be a very hot topic and not always for the right reason.

Morning everyone! Back to work today. I hope you all have a great day!


Morning everyone. Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Amateursā€¦You havenā€™t properly slept in until the sounds of others having lunch is what drives you out of bed.


A client was so mean now and then it turns out it was the clientā€™s fault. I laugh. I laugh in her face.


Happy Tuesday!

Gonna be a desk jockey today, canā€™t walkā€¦

Had 3 ice hockey matches over the weekend.
Game 1: Played defence, we lost 9-7
Game 2: Played defence. tied 12-12
Game 3: Played forward, won 10-8 (I think). Got my first official goal in a match.


What the *uck!

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greetings ! yesterday felt like a summers day, this morning thereā€™s rainclouds

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Weā€™ll see what the puture holds.

Not sure what it was *'ed out.
I just said What the Puck

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Morning people of the palace.

The long weekend was too short and non-existent.

Now to figure out what is up with the plotter not speaking to the network again.

Hope you all had much better weekends

Also murfle grats on the goal!

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Maybe it thinks youā€™re Portuguese?

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Sitting at SARS isnt how I thought my day off would go