Rrrrrrrrrr. Those Fanatec wheels are amazing!! But so expensive. If you get the right base and pedals you have pretty much one of the best wheel configs you can get without being a billionaire. I’m super jealous.
They don’t seem to offer anything more than “it works” and “solid construction” over a similar (and much less expensive) competitors product though
Morning peoples! How are you all today?
Morning Soli
Woke up feeling very drunk and dizzy for no reason - hope this goes away soon.
Otherwise I am doing good and you ?
I hope the weird feeling goes away!
I’m alright. Just didn’t sleep well. Actually, I slept very poorly. But it happens sometimes.
Well the main differences are with pedal frequency, force feedback smoothing and strength and accuracy. Fanatec is more expensive because it offers much smoother feedback and higher frequency pedal configs, making it the go-to setup for serious league racers. But it does come at a price though.
Any Java developers looking for work? I need 2 strong intermediates in Centurion quite urgently…
@FarligOpptreden, did I ever tell you that it’s because of you that I got a big raise this year? I told my bosses that you were offering me jobs and they subsequently made it possible for me to buy a new car.
So, thank you for that!
I think you should most probably get him a shiny 2080Ti to say thanks then…
I’m not nearly at that level, however since I now have a “man cave” at home I’ll see what I do with the planned racing setup. The biggest issue I have is not the PC, but the consoles. The real issue is platform exclusives and that I can’t just use one peripheral between the XBONE and PS4
This is a very real issue. I too would love to have a wheel that can be used between the two consoles, but not a single one of those things exist. All the console wheels are PC compatible however.
I did way too much investigation when I bought my wheel. Got the Logitech G920 for Xbox One just because all of my racing games are on that console. It’s a great entry level wheel. If you have some additional funds for your man cave, might I suggest looking at Thrustmaster T300 for PS4, or the Thrustmaster TMX PRO for Xbox One. Both fabulous wheels, just a bit over my budget, otherwise I would’ve taken one of them.
I have the G29. Considering the new Forza games are on PC now as well, I didn’t feel like I needed a wheel compatible with Xbox
Honestly at this stage I feel like just getting rid of the Playstations and focusing on PC / XBOX…
My kid is getting into the Nintendo stuff, so they’ll need to stay. I will miss Gran Turismo though…
'allo 'allo
Well, my new skates are in the country, but they aren’t in a state that can be couriered
bangs head into wall
What exactly does that mean
It means I now have a massive crack in my skull…
Seriously though, it just needs some tape. Thankfully, an old co-worker is at the same place so I was able to talk to the guy who brought the skates over for me. He’ll get reception to tape it up properly, and I’m working on getting the courier to do the pick-up. If all goes well, I’ll have them tomorrow
If you can find this locally please shout!
And on Special at the moment too! Hurry! Limited Stock!
Im just skeptical - all the SA sites are using the collectors edition photos
And I don’t trust them!
Yeah, that Takealot one is definitely not the Collectors Edition at that price. The Wantitall one looks much better bet, but if you’re worried why not just buy the one from Amazon? At 50% off, even if the shipping and taxes are double that, it’ll still be around the same price.