Beating Off 2.0

your insurance is probably going to tell you to get 2 quotes for the damage so whichever panelbeaters you go to ask them to quote you for a fiesta ST rear hatch and bumper, they just dont need to specify on the quote its st parts, it will make ur car look much sportier. Since they’re going to replace those parts anyway.

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There’s a term for that, what is it?

Maybe because it’s mainly out of stock with most retailers and their just trying to make some money off someone?

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Anyone playing Blops 4?

Morning everyone.

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greetings on this tuesday that will be slow

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I really enjoy the creativity of analysis but I do not enjoy documenting test cases I derive from them. Ergh, every job has its likes and dislikes :wink:

Enjoy your day everyone!


Morning people of the palace

its good to have a car that starts

Ok, random reply to a good morning. :smiley:

Morning everyone.


RIP Paul Allen

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I honestly didn’t event know who that was

He was Microsoft’s version of Applie’s Steve Wozniak

just watch pirates of silicon valley then you’ll know what role he played in starting Microsoft

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More specifically :

  • Allen came up with the original name of “Micro-Soft”
  • Allen spearheaded a deal for Microsoft to purchase QDOS (very significant deal for MS in the early days)

More importantly he ran Vulcan Inc and owned a couple of sports teams Portland Trail Blazers, Seattle Seahawks and Seattle Sounders FC

and he had a big ass research yacht with a helicopter pad

It was a “reasonably accurate portrayal” according to Jobs, Gates and Woz. This is partly why I hate bio dramas. They always add some drama and nonsense in to make for a better film as real life is boring.

so petrol is estimated to go up by another 40c in november, fun times :tired_face:

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yay that is gonna be fun

Petrol going up and possibly another VAT increase as well… fun times ahead!

Don’t come spreading your fake news here! Seriously though, where did you hear this?