I am out of things to do to make me look busy!
i have plenty to do i just dont feel like doing any of them
Tiepies vroumens
tsek, tipies my ass
I have Overwatch if you would like some company, i am not the greatest since i have not played alot, but i am also not the worst
I was going to try and make some reference to pokemon by saying gotta illuminate them all but never mind,
I know @Darthmol and @Mottamort both play CS:GO a lot.
I havn’t played so long I’ll probably get pwnd.
Its still prime hot time outside so it should be fine.
ok baai, i need to leave, hopefully i can get to a builders before they close…
I’m drinking water with Himalayan Salt and apple cider vinegar now just in case.
You going to DIY?
I need to fix some stuff too.
i want to go look at some mosaic tiles and get a white dust coat.
we need to tile our kitchen’s walls by the sink and stove
why would you do that?! that sounds so horrible!
ok baai for realz now!
Nah, its just a little bit.
Its a beautiful day, ya’ll should all go outside and check it out.
Does anyone finish earlier on a Friday?
I hope you all do.
It must be boring to be sitting at work now.