Coronavirus - COVID-19

@czc @Wyvern yeah I guess I’m just going to have to play by their rules until all of this is over to avoid unnecessary drama.


Our estate was the same. During stage 4 you could only accept packages at the gate. But now they are allowing gardeners and construction services back onto the estate. I also saw moving and delivery trucks inside. So we are pretty much open.

And I dont mind as they check all guests (but not residents who return from the wastelands) for fever, give them sanitisers and make sure they wear masks.


I’m the chair of our BC’s trustees and we had similar rules in place. The reason for the rules is because your trustees probably got a notice from the managing agent that CSOS was requiring trustees to enforce these rules. Since trustees can be held personally liable for failures nowadays, we have no choice but to comply.

We chose to ban delivery drivers mainly to make it easier for our security guards. We just blanket-blocked all visitors to the complex. We also blocked delivery drivers in part because we felt it would defeat the purpose to allow delivery guys in but block everyone else from coming in.

We allowed exceptions for large deliveries of essential items, and more exceptions for people operating online shops when e-commerce was unbanned.

With Level 3 we were finally given the legal advice that we could basically return to our pre-lockdown access control system. If people want to lie about the purpose of a visit so they can have a social get-together, it is no longer our problem.

In other news, @Wyvern the NICD has put out a report with some decent numbers. They only look at detected cases and not deaths, but it’s a start at getting some real data about what’s happening with testing.


The court case for the tobacco ban is chaos.


I’m not a smoker but the ban on smoking is ridiculous.


This whole lockdown is ridiculous.


Its why they are fighting against the hairdressers and tobacco industries - they know if they lose these cases the whole lockdown will be thrown out

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My friend in the UK swears by this and believes it totally, says the whole covid 19 thing is rubbish


Sure hope this sticks.

  • Contact sports – only for training

Got a notice from the hockey club. Things are moving :slight_smile:

Contact sports – only for training.


I don’t understand that. I mean if you’re training you might as well go all out and play games too?


I already have my hair appointment for the first sat in july :stuck_out_tongue:


Non-contact sports can play full games. I guess they just want your team to get covid-19, but not spread it to other teams… /shrug


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Official COVID-19 Meme/Joke Thread

Now here is a F**** up tale for you. This morning I get a phone call from my daughter’s school (government school) telling me I must pick her up, she is feeling sick. Ok, off I go. When I get there the headmaster tells me that because my daughter had been coughing last week Thursday and she is nauseous now, I have to get her tested for covid 19 or she cannot return to school.

Now I have to dig out R850, book a time slot with Ampath and get her tested.

Can you imagine every parent of a kid who has the flu has to go through this now.

Oh well, the new normal and all that.


Oh its absolutely retarded. And every teacher that gets tested positive now has the school close down (fortunately its usually over a weekend) for a few days while whole school gets re sanitized.

I mean, cmon…

the teachers are also being told the same thing. If they’re showing symptoms they need to pay out of pocket.

All that is happening now? Noone is honest on those little forms…hell I don’t even sign one anymore at the 1 school… They literally have someone there that pre-ticks the yes yes yes, no stuff for you. What a joke this entire screening thing is…


These are actually encouraging stories. It takes one teacher or kid to infect a whole class, or even a whole grade or school, then those kids carry the virus back to their parents and grandparents who are at much greater risk of getting seriously ill.

There’s a lot of “COVID-19 is just a bit of a more serious flu” or even “COVID-19 is just like flu” false equivalences doing the rounds. Don’t fall for that stuff. Listen to doctors and nurses treating actual COVID patients, listen to survivors, listen to people who have lost loved ones to the virus.

I can post examples here of people’s testimonies (testimonials?) if y’all are interested, but I don’t want to be a downer.

I’ll leave this one example here which I found recently, which has been enlightening: The other side of COVID-19 - interview with South African survivor

Listen “between the lines”, as it were. This guy was one of the earliest cases of COVID-19 in South Africa. He received an incredible amount of personal attention, which helped him pull through. What happens when the ICUs / critical care facilities get too full for that kind of personal attention?

As a parting shot, SensePost’s Dominic White articulated the advice I’ve tried to give people really well:

Best lockdown advice I got kicked in today, it was from a mate who’s ex-military. He said “at some point you or your crew are going to be so sick of it you’ll no longer care about the danger and just want to get out - prepare for that and shut it down”


That is a good point. It is unfortunate that it is also flu season and kids are going to get sick all over the place.


Yeah it sucks. The Northern hemisphere is lucky there. They get to head into summer for their COVID epidemic peak.

I’m reminded of something Prof Abdool Karim said regarding one the reasons lockdown was extended…

There was no way to shorten the period to get to South Africa’s COVID epidemic peak without overloading our hospitals. So we had to “flatten the curve” to give our healthcare sector time to prepare, but that also means pushing out the epidemic peak, which projections indicated would end up coinciding with our annual flu epidemic peak.

One of the reasons for extending the lockdown was to push out our COVID epidemic peak so that it would not coincide with our flu peak, but that also means there is going to be some overlap.


Annotation 2020-06-22 111024
The only thing that worries me, those numbers highlighted - those numbers are still so low.

" Donald Trump told thousands of supporters on Saturday that he had asked US officials to slow down testing for Covid-19 because case numbers in the country were rising so rapidly."

Best way to flatten the curve, apparently, is to do less testing. Crazy world with leaders like that