Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Sorry all - I was so disconnected from this the last few weeks I completely botched my timing on this last round. Was actually thinking we still had until this weekend to do and was coming here to make a reminder post for everyone.


The final round of the 9x9 saw our stalwarts @Boogey, @LazyDemoni, and @the9avenger9 finish the season in the same order as they finished the Championship! The Welsh Rally Association would also like to recognise the participation of the Canadian Dancing Bear @murfle - the only other driver who managed to find the start line at Stage 1.

My thanks to our undefeated Champion :trophy: :1st_place_medal: @Boogey - your reign as the Most Epic Win Dirt Rally Champion will be eternal now. :clap:

Huge tip of the hat to Championship Runner Up :2nd_place_medal: @LazyDemoni. A well-deserved P2 being the only driver to have participated in and finished all 9 of the seasons’ events.

And an equally deserved P3 Championship podium step for :3rd_place_medal: @the9avenger9, who is probably still regretting missing his plane to Finland! :smiley:

Huge thanks also to everyone else that did participate in the 9x9 Championship this year. Always appreciated that you spent even a little of your time playing in the mud with me, especially when I know how precious that handful of gaming hours are to you.

So, manly hugs and fist bumps to @aldyr, @Beo, @murfle, @czc, and @WarRack101 as well, for being all round good sports.

As mentioned, I’m going to be giving Dirt Rally a break now while we wait for the soon to arrive EA Sports WRC and won’t be setting up any more DR2 events. If any Club Members do want to keep racing in DR2, drop me a DM and I’ll make a plan to set you up as a Club Admin or some such so that you can create some new events. I may just go in a create a randomly generated 12 event thing to leave something running for the next year.

From what I’ve gathered, EA Sports WRC will continue to use Racenet, so once it becomes available, I’ll create an equivalent MEW Rally Club there and send out invites to all those currently members of the DR2 Club. Depending on the uptake of the new game by MEWbs, we could perhaps try put together a little test of the new games’ league and club features towards the end of the year when (hopefully) most of us have a little more time. (And hopefully the biggest bugs in the new game will have been patched out by then too!)

Until then… Stay Dirty!