Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Well… you don’t have to have to. :grinning: I could do with getting a couple of points ahead of you so early in the season.


Scotland is tough thanks to huge ditches and the strange practice of storing lumber on the roadside. The wet stages at the end are looking mighty scary!


Been sitting here hitting retry for an hour. This is like an rpg

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Every week now it seems there’s server issues. Or at least it seems like it. I hope it’s not a sign that the servers are being ignored and not being maintained properly.

Or maybe a sign that Codemasters are getting to a (mythical) Dirt 3 release before they take over the official WRC license in 2023.

I should’ve come here first before starting my event… :cry: What now.

Still getting “Connection Failed” errors? That’s now 3 hours plus. There must be something really dodgy going on…

Yeah I gave up after a while. Guess I’m taking max time on the first stage. Will see if I can be irresponsible and get a run in tomorrow during work hours

We have a driver over the finish line :checkered_flag: with an official time! Congrats to @LazyDemoni for being the first to post a completed event time.

So just how much fun were those final 3 long stages in the pouring rain? Just so that others know what to look forward to :smiling_imp:


Whelp, there goes my chance at any green bars!


I stopped retrying. Couldn’t be asked to leave it running endlessly. I value my VR headset, over times.


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Haha, I did have some rather intimate visits to the woods, so don’t sell yourself short!

So just how much fun were those final 3 long stages in the pouring rain?

I think I did okay in the first of the wet stages as the layout was familiar. After that, I went off the track a couple of times, incurring minor damage. Most annoying was a cracked windscreen, which made visibility even worse.

Slow corners were a struggle too, as I couldn’t find the balance between speed and understeering, so I just crawled through. The ditches were another issue, and the combination of slow corners with huge ditches was scary.

Overall, a challenging but fun event!


Turns out when I got that error it wasn’t when it wanted to store my time, but when it wanted to progress to the next stage. so my time was still there when I logged on now…
And with that… I will take over the tentative lead(had some red/green/red/green sectors on the last few stages between me and @LazyDemoni was quite exciting haha)… Until @aldyr and @Boogey shows up.

Also on that night stage, I had one head light… then halfway through I decided that total darkness is for me… crawled to the end XD


Weird thing. I retried for ages. Gave up. Quit. Swearing. But it looks like it went through. :face_with_monocle:


Hot dangit, those last three stages were nightmare. But this was a great starter, now I understand how everything works and hopefully post more competitive times going forward.


Record scratch… Yip, that’s me, in my Lancia, in Scotland, with a bloody great big log in the spot where my engine is supposed to be…

My damage is terminal, and my day is ruined.


haha you end up in the tree rather than wrapped around it :rofl: this ain’t Minecraft!!


I have one stage left. Lost my bonnet in the rain again in the middle of stage 7.

The chances of terminal damage are pretty high

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You can do it! Go slow, get to the end, score the points!

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Ooof, those last 3 stages were nerve-wracking. Big props to @Dragonic who ploughed through like a boss! I lost a lot of time to the guys ahead despite keeping it relatively clean, just could not match your pace :clap: