MEW DiRT Rally League [MEWRL]

Dammit… left it till too late, tried now this morning with 27 mins remaining. Obviously not enough time so my race expired half way through :confused: I got 2 flat tyres in two stages so I’m sure I would have been dead last anyways. Just hope I still get a place though. Better than a DNS

I feel so ashamed right now…


Ditto. :pensive:

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Hahaha no man, I mean in terms of points, DNS gives you no points, but last place you still get points.

And now I see I didn’t classify :confused:


Is this thing going to run again this year?

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Aye, need to just wrap my head around what I want to do

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We’ve all done this in Monaco before, this is what it looks like IRL. left the road @ 165km/h :astonished:
On his Hyundai debut no less. Tanak and co-driver escaped with no injuries apparently, just goes to show how damn safe these cars have become.

Aaaaaand video removed. Aaaaaand new link found.


Fine! I’ll take the win!


What fairy tale land do you think you live in?


Crap thing is, because no one did their runs yet, I have no idea how kak I’m doing. All I know is that all the car options is so kak that I chose the slowest car.

It’s ok. I’m lazy, will leave clutch on and manual gate shifter. I’m gonna make some music later with grinding my gears

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@Dragonic Guess it’s only you and me. I think @SlinX forgot or gave up, or eskom bent him over. Screw that Lancia S4 for bumpy stages. It was heaven on wet Monaco… ah moist

Still 2hrs left, enough time for all stages

@PsychoFish I have a new appreciation for night stages


Made it with 30 minutes to spare. The S4 has excellent rotation, it’s very controllable if you give it the respect it demands.

That stage was so much fun! like butter

Wait what? There was an event?

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Lol, seems so. With the operative word being “was” :joy: Pretty sure it was Event 4, the last one of the Season, that ended 11:59pm, 31 Jan.

Here’s the End of Season standings that I’ll use to update the MEW CoC table:

Congrats @SlinX, and well done to all who entered the season, even if you never managed to finish more than a few stages.

Now we wait to see what @PsychoFish has to torture us with next!

Whoops! I had completely forgotten about this.

I’ll take the win, even if participation was a bit thin towards the end.
Nicely done on 2nd and 3rd @Dragonic and @aldyr

aldyr keeps me on my toes when it comes to rally, literally, like I’m doing the riverdance with the pedals. I’m sure it would have been super close if you joined from event 1, or with time to put more attempts in. There were hundredths of a second between us on some of those stages.

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Damn you!
Also third for the season… Not bad. I’ll take it.

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Take the win, show us some replays

There are some good parts in between all the crashing.