30/30 words (+5 bonus words)
In the top 17% by bonus words
Solve streak: 3 09/24:
76/76 words (+26 bonus words)
In the top 10% by bonus words
Solve streak: 4 09/23:
30/30 words (+5 bonus words)
In the top 17% by bonus words
Solve streak: 3 09/24:
76/76 words (+26 bonus words)
In the top 10% by bonus words
Solve streak: 4 09/24:
76/76 words (+20 bonus words)
In the top 28% by bonus words
Solve streak: 4
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/24:
20/20 words (+7 bonus words)
In the top 4% by bonus words 09/25:
22/22 words (+8 bonus words)
In the top 8% by bonus words
Solve streak: 5 09/25:
22/22 words (+7 bonus words)
In the top 12% by bonus words
Solve streak: 6
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/25:
21/21 words (+4 bonus words)
In the top 18% by bonus words 09/26:
29/29 words (+6 bonus words)
In the top 21% by bonus words
Play streak: 6
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/26:
*22/22 words (+9 bonus words)
In the top 3% by bonus words 09/26:
29/29 words (+7 bonus words)
In the top 15% by bonus words
Solve streak: 7
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/26:
22/22 words (+3 bonus words)
In the top 36% by bonus words
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/26:
22/22 words (+10 bonus words)
In the top 2% by bonus words 09/26:
*29/29 words (+11 bonus words)
In the top 2% by bonus words
Solve streak: 2 09/27:
26/26 words (+15 bonus words)
In the top 1% by bonus words
Solve streak: 7 09/27:
26/26 words (+8 bonus words)
In the top 30% by bonus words
Solve streak: 8
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/27:
*20/20 words (+2 bonus words)
In the top 31% by bonus words 09/27:
26/26 words (+11 bonus words)
In the top 7% by bonus words
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/27:
*20/20 words (+4 bonus words)
In the top 10% by bonus words 09/28:
54/54 words (+14 bonus words)
In the top 17% by bonus words
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/28:
19/19 words (+8 bonus words)
In the top 1% by bonus words 09/28:
54/54 words (+13 bonus words)
In the top 23% by bonus words
Solve streak: 8 09/28:
54/54 words (+12 bonus words)
In the top 30% by bonus words
Solve streak: 9
Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/28:
*19/19 words (+3 bonus words)
In the top 26% by bonus words 09/28:
*54/54 words (+19 bonus words)
In the top 6% by bonus words
Solve streak: 2
I played 09/29:
77/77 words (+20 bonus words)
Solve streak: 10
I played Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/29:
*19/19 words (+8 bonus words)
In the top 14% by bonus words
I played 09/29:
77/77 words (+26 bonus words)
In the top 28% by bonus words
Solve streak: 9
I played Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/29:
19/19 words (+6 bonus words)
In the top 34% by bonus words
I played 09/29:
77/77 words (+30 bonus words)
In the top 17% by bonus words
Solve streak: 2
I played Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/29:
*19/19 words (+11 bonus words)
In the top 2% by bonus words
I played 09/30:
38/38 words (+4 bonus words)
In the top 26% by bonus words
Solve streak: 10
I played Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/30:
22/22 words (+5 bonus words)
In the top 12% by bonus words
I played 09/30:
38/38 words (+4 bonus words)
In the top 26% by bonus words
Solve streak: 11
I played Squaredle | Daily Word Search Puzzle 09/30:
22/22 words (+2 bonus words)