Steam Next Fest Demo Reviews

Ok I’ll also enter the fray, and of course I did it with a Metroidvania style game.

I’m still busy playing it but for now, seems pretty cool, giving me a DeadCells feel with a cool mechanic of the hat. I also suck at reviews so ya.


Tribes 3 is a new game in the classic, CTF series. It is very old-school in its approach. Movement is fast, momentum based and quite vertical. Hitting things is hard. Hitting things while moving properly is harder still.

The netcode seems solid enough, and I was able to enjoy games in Europe. Despite it being tough, I enjoyed it and feel like I want to spend time improving!


Uhh…? You what now?

Tribes of Europa!
I mean, that there are no local servers, so I connected to EU.

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Been watching some streams of this and it looks amazing, I loved and adored Tribes back in the days.