Stop and Think: The Positivity & Inspiration Thread


I love that, thanks for sharing.

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Any time, some of these F1 drivers have amazing points of views and outlook on life that we don’t even consider.

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Shoutout to people who compliment each other and genuinely mean it. Jealousy is unnecessary. Lift each other up. It’s nice to be nice.
~Anna Vienne~

You are all looking particularly amazing today! :grinning:



Would he lie to us?



Some days I swear I’m going to give up.
Some days I swear I’ll never give up.
Some days I just swear…
Every day I just keep going.
Nakeia Homer


I find myself in a challenging season and this hits me hard.

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I wish you a day filled with kind people, lots of smiles and an abundance of unexpected blessings.


The longer you entertain what’s not for you, the longer you postpone what is.
-Kayla Simone-


Case in point personally: I really thought I could play Elden Ring with the cool kids, took a few days to download it and 10 minutes to play before asking for a refund. Could have spent the time downloading AC Valhalla and been playing that instead of playing it a week later.


Hey, you.

Take your freaking pill.

(Your anti depressant. Your SSRI. Your anti anxiety med.)

You know, whatever pill you cringe at the thought of having to take?

Yeah. That one.

Take it, please.

You deserve to be healthy.

You deserve to feel sunshine.

You deserve joy.

You deserve a brain that doesn’t beat you up.

And yes, I know it’s kind of a pain.

I also know some days you might feel strong enough to do without it.

But that little pill isn’t for the good days, my dear.

And don’t you remember the bad days?

Those days when the storm clouds come rolling in.

When energy leaks out of your body like someone pulled the drain.

When brushing your teeth feels like a marathon and sunshine is offensive and even the most joyful noises of your household sounds like a million bees in your head…

I remember those days.

And that’s why I take the pill.

One day at a time, one refill at a time, one season at a time, I take the pill.

You see, sometimes sunshine tastes like sour chalk and has to be washed down with water.

Sometimes God’s biggest miracles come in little orange bottles.

Sometimes your very salvation is written on a prescription pad, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Fight the good fight with me. Stay in the sunshine. Vulnerability is courageous as hell, and it takes so much courage to admit you need this.

Warrior on, my friend. You aren’t alone.

Take your freaking pill.

I’m sure as heck taking mine. - Mary Katherine Backstrom


Quite a clever way to raise awareness around the issue of mental health.


Thanks for that, I’ll share that with my wife.

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Not a fable. A fact.


I learnt the hard way to take the new pill I am on, I wont skip a day again ever. But they will change me over to something else in about 4 months, since its a very addictive drug, ironically I told my doc that I use 1 tablet one day and half the next day and find I cope very well with that. But let me forget even the half tablet and I FEEL the anxiety.


Struggling with my weight again. Still. Went looking for a little inspiration and stumbled across this…


Scroll up to my post with Andy Mineo :wink:


I agree with you totally on this. Im slowly changing my mindset

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