I know you’ve got it fixed, but just a workaround for anyone that might read this later. I often use the Ctrl+D shortcut to Duplicate the cell above the one selected. ie. If you’ve got a formula in cell B5, and you would like it to be copied to B6, select B6 and hit Ctrl+D.
If you want B5’s content copied to B6 aaaaaaaaaalll the way down to B50, select B5:B50 (important to select the source cell here) and the hit Ctrl+D. Your column is now filled.
Do you want to do the same thing for rows rather than columns? Ctrl+R is your friend.
Want to create a big old block of data? Select the block you want filled, with whatever is in the top left cell. Hit Ctrl+D to fill the left hand column, then hit Ctrl+R to fill the whole block. MAGIC.
I believe anything with a USB connection should work fine if I am not mistaken, but I believe it is possible to use HDMI connections as well, from what I have heard from streamers.
What do you want to do with the camera? Decent quality webcams are still currently overpriced and understocked at the moment.
Depending on your use need, you could look at using your phone camera as a workable alternative. There’s a lot of apps out there act as a bridge between your phone and the pc. Some are better for iOS devices others better for Android.
I played around with one called DroidCam on an old iPad that worked quite well. Had the added benefit of being WiFi enabled so I could follow the cat around the house .
Thinking about it now, I remember @SigStart used something similar last year when he was streaming and introduced Syd the Wonderdog to the world. @Entity also had a multiple camera thing going to watch his pugs at the same time as streaming.
I can get standalone from tech soup. Problem is you can only buy Windows licenses in one batch, then never again. You aren’t restricted on the number of times you can purchase upgrade licenses though.
Other than a few cases, I’ve been letting people use the license that comes with their laptops, but I have a feeling it might cause a problem when people start installing Win 11 Home.
Only have 2 mobile devices, 2 Xbox’s and a laptop. Though all devices may have an active connection, there may only be a maximum of 2 or three active streaming/downloading.
Not really one to download media (by means of pirating) but will often be downloading games (they’re quite big these days). Media streaming consists of mostly Netflix or YouTube and I like to get 1080p.
Don’t really game online, much, maybe on the off occassion. When I do it’s often when everyone else is asleep anyway.
Another vote for 20. You could probably get away with a 10 or 15, but there’d be some struggles at times, and the price difference might not be worth it…