I saw the picture first and thought you got a new dog? lol
Never will I get one of these. They are soft gentle giants but stuuuupid
Good morning everyone.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Ours was very busy, friends over on Friday night to do braai pizzas, on Saturday was the wife’s schools end-of-year picnic, then the sister-in-law’s 30th, and finally today 6 glorious hours of endurance racing… and now to watch the Grand Prix!
Góðan mánudagsmorgun! Ég vona að allir hafi átt frábæra helgi. Farðu nú þangað og sparkaðu í daginn.
Good morning everyone! I’m officially a married man
WOAH nice man happy years ahead
reading that I feel like I need to clean my house again >< @Wyvern give me a few days I will have it ready XD
Baie Geluk, mag julle twee baie happy wees en 'n wonderlike lewe saam bou.
Morning people of the palace
I am still tired from the weekend and I didn’t even do much.
@z1oc I am not allowed to publically share pictures of my youngest brother’s house inside, all I can say is they need help. Between the two of them they just blame each other for the chaos. But literally so many gogga’s bit me during the night and crawled on me that I didn’t sleep.