It is nice, but a bit of a luxury that we probably will downgrade soon.
Got when the Mrs was doing a bunch of VOIP and video conference calls to internationals, kept when I started doing online lectures, and still here while the kid is still doing the majority of her varsity stuff online at the moment.
He recently had a podcast with Stephen Fry…very cool convo, highly recommend. Just sad its ONLY 90 minutes (I know right? long-form conversation and it still feels like they barely scratch the surface). I THOROUGHLY enjoyed them in the Munk debate and i’m a biiiiig Stephen Fry fan, so maybe its just me…but yea, highly recommend!
edit: heres link for anyone interested but too lazy to search
How does one calculate a precipitation if it’s not for a defined area? If it’s not a standard area, then you can’t compare it. But if it is a standard area, how can you compare two different sized cities? I always wondered about this.
Meteorology go figure, and while i’m at it, why’s it called meteorology, and not weatherology? Oh, it rained 7mm’s of meteors yesterday! OMG!