The Happy Birthday Thread

I suck at this birthday thread thing, Happy Birthday @GregRedd and Happy very belated @DarthMol :rofl: and as Soli said, everyone else I missed haha. jammer, eks kak.


Happy Belated Birfday @GregRedd!!!

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Happy belated bday oom Greg! (@GregRedd )

Hope it was a great one!

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Happy birthday OP - hope it’s a great day for you @Solitude!

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Happy Birthday @Solitude Enjoy some extra gaming today.

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Happy birthday @Solitude! Hope it wasn’t spent in all solitude, but that it was a great day.

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Happy birthday @Solitude

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Happy birthday @Solitude hope it was a good one!

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Thanks peoples!

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Happy belated birfday @Solitude!

Happy, happy @Shrike! Hope you have a really great day!


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Happy birthday @Shrike

Happy birthday @Shrike!

Happy Birthday @Shrike Savour the day.

Happy birthday, @Shrike! Hope you’re getting time off to chill and game and family!

Have a happy birthday @Shrike :birthday:

Thank you everyone! It has been a great cake day :wink:

Happy Belated Birfday Shrike!

Happy birthday @Beo! Hope you have a magnificently good day! :tada::birthday::gift::beers: :birthday:

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Congratulations @Beo! Hope it’s a great a blessed day!

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