The Worst Game Ever

But what will our ingame currency be called- considering we’ve pretty much landed on a medieval style RPG - (still vehicles are not off the table because why not?)

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Maybe as our DRM we should use Games for Windows Live?


Why only one? Let’s have Royal Gems, with which you unlock only XP boosts, Premium Fruits that let’s you buy clothing only, and Silver Chards that gives you a stackable reduction on the waiting time for opening doors and windows and stuff.


You guys are going all out.

I think the worst game ever title goes to the Tetris clone that looks at your current layout of blocks, and determines the worst piece to give you. Think of all those times you’ve needed the straight piece, then multiply that by infinity.


The game can also have Seasons that you have to buy, like every new blasted game has to have. Seasons can be 3 months long and include a ridiculous grind of hundreds of hours to achieve a FOMO-level exotic weapon, which ends up being worse than any weapon that randomly drops from the creeps you can kill in the tutorial section of the game. The content should just be enough to get you interested, but not nearly enough to actually keep you engaged or entertained for the duration of the grind. The grind should end up depriving you of sleep and all will to live. New content that was added in each season is then vaulted at the end of each year, adding to the urgency and FOMO generated by the game.

…Wait, did I just describe the current state of Destiny 2? Well, I guess it already wins the title of “The Worst Game Ever”.


Wait? Did the relationship go sour between you and D2?

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Yeah, and I’m not getting back to it soon. Bad exotics, useless grind, activities unnecessarily locked behind a Power Level Wall and the deprecation of old (but subjectively better than newer) content that I paid for.