I could go for some holiday as well
Which one? Mum is looking for a new one, she had one of those cheap mini ones. Preferably one that can plug in with a cable to her laptop
Got back from the vet (and had a nap) this morning. Mommy hamster has a breathing problem and is on meds, and the babies aren’t getting enough milk
Aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I hope they get better soon!
Ya, me too. Thanks. I have to basically force feed her the meds because she isn’t really eating or drinking right now. And its tough, because I’m not supposed to disturb the nest.
I spend most of my nights during the day…
How’s everyone doing on this ridiculously hot day?
typically around this time every day I hit a slump, where I just feel so tired and drained where I can feel my head falling and eyes closing.
Yeah, yesterday I actually went to grab a Monster to try counter it, thinking I might do the same now. I still have a few hours of work left too, and so much more on my plate.
also… if my in ear earphones are hurting my ears (over a period of time), is it likely that they’re too small or too big?
got some earphones that came with multiple sizes, but not sure if it’s just for comfort/preference purposes that they offer them.
Could be sinus issues more than anything, try changing the buds, could help. normally mine hurts when I have bad sinus .
OMG i just got an inv from the ENT that saw me when i was in hospital and he is charging for a procedure that was not done and this account has already been submitted to my medical aid. I cant believe Dr actually try this shit my gosh
I hope you’ve informed your medical aid already.
That’s bull
I only saw the invoice after 5 but will be informing them first thing tomorrow morning.
The babies didn’t make it
Hopefully the mother will still make it. She took her medicine tonight at least.
huge hugs
Morning you beautiful psycos day closer to Friday
Morning people of the palace
sleepy and grumpy today for no reason
Looks like war3 reforged was a complete bugger up, which is sad.