For a PC way of saying something… it’s not very PC.
Congrats on the anniversary! May you have many more blessed years ahead.
Grats @Beo!!
In other news. I spilled near boiling rooibos down my chest, stomach, and right thigh last night. Ended up at the only hospital my insurance covers, and still owe R390. Gonna be another R198 for tomorrow’s follow-up dressing change. Not to mention the R250 in petrol it costs to get there and back twice…
So, we all know the world problems going on right now. Then I brick my smartphone, my laptop GPU dies beyond home reflow repair, I step on a nail, now this…
2020 sucks!
oh wow you really had your badluck in 3’s. Hopefully your luck will go better forward and hopefully the burns arent too serious.
Thanks. He basically said my skin will make a full recovery.
Happy anniversary, @Beo!
Glad to hear that you didn’t do yourself a permanent injury, but youch!
After I stripped off the soaked clothing, I grabbed an ice pack, wrapped it in a towel, and then looked it up online. It said “Don’t use ice” so I tossed it aside, and followed the directions I found. Showered in cold water for 20-30 minutes, then put a piece of plastic wrap on the worst spot before driving out.
He said the shower probably stopped it from being much, much worse, and said “smart man” when I responded that I applied it. I didn’t bother telling him I looked it up. I mean, that’s what I do for a living lol
Testing testing.
Hey I can post from home! Just not from our work network for some reason.
Can you get onto here at work? Do you think they blocked you?
Nah, they can’t block me. I’m the person that does most of the network stuff there.
I get lots of errors when trying to post. And loading takes a long time but I can access the site. It’s a weird one. At home it works perfectly.
Discourse does use a lot of AJAX stuff. Maybe something in those requests is getting filtered somewhere between your work network and our server?
Thats sorry to say Such Bull shit. So uncalled in this day and age.
Hmmmm I wonder if it’s caused by some of my development tools. Will test a bit tomorrow.
Hmmmm I wonder if it’s caused by some of my development tools. Will test a bit tomorrow.
mmmm did i hear an echo…?
Okay no, something ain’t right. It double posted now after it looked like it wasn’t going to post. It’s the weirdest thing. And this is at home.
Can it be caused by Visual Studio maybe? I had that open.
Just a quick test.
I am so sorry dude
I must have sent you my bad luck! I will take it back if you want to take my anxiety?
I’ve got Visual Studio Code opened right now. And for the past few days. Minimal plugins though…
@Wyvern Thanks. Not your bad luck. It’s mine. Things go smooth for a long time, then all of a sudden, it’s 2020. I’m actually relatively at peace during all this chaos. I’ll gladly take on your anxiety for ya if you want, but you’ll have to supply the medicated foot powder. Somehow, after years of anxiety, nearly causing strokes at time, I’ve managed to learn to force it out my feet in the form of sweat.
It’s weird, the foot thing sucks, but hey… Better than a stroke.
I have 2x instances of VS Code and VS 2019 running each day, so 4 in total. O run several plugins on both IDEs and haven’t had any trouble the odd time I manage to post?