Nothing quite beats the original though…
I’m not gonna watch this. I was a massive SWG addict, had 4 accounts back in the day… Then a couple years ago, I got sucked back in on the emu for almost a year.
Can’t let that happen again.
This is what I was thinking of. Heck, I didn’t even really know what to type into YouTube for it.
Randy Feltface on being sober and taking a breathalyzer test.
Contains some colourful Aussie language, so NSFW unless you listen with earphones.
If Freddy Mercury were Filipino…
Who remembers this?
I should not have laughed so hard at this, but dammit it was funny
When gaming and logic and math and science collide…
This was such a great recommendation from YouTube. Guy takes you step-by-step through prototyping a basic graphics card with off-the-shelf chips.
Nice, but “and that’s what I’ll show in the next video”! Sigh
For my car lovers out there - assuming you haven’t yet seen this and are interested…
Best part is the reason why the race got stopped! Running out of freeway!
Part 2 now out
“The exciting conclusion”?
Welcome home
yay. Going to watch right away
Edit: Thank you