Only one thing on my X-mas wishlist: BTC to hit R450k, then I can cash in and pay off my bond
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Remember to pay your CGT on the withdrawel. Seriously though, you must have a lot of coin hodled up in your wallet. I regret not buying more BTC when I first bought in around R37k and mining has been dreadfully slow the last couple of months, averaging 0.01 BTC every 6-7 weeks on my GTX 1080.
I bought in 2013 when it was just over R1000 a coin, iirc. Then I just ignored it because I didn’t need the money. Now I’m close to a point where my little investment can pay off big time.
A proper holiday, something like a 7 day cruise.
About R10 000 to spend on games.
A new PC
A 3 or 4 TB external drive for my PS4
An Xbox One X