It’s official: JZ has resigned.
Party time!
Funnily enough, yesterday on my Mango flight, we all got little South African flags. It was weird at first, but the whole Mango plan surfaced once we landed the other side. It seemed Mango had insider knowledge knowing that we South Africans would want to celebrate a great and historic moment and wanted to gear us with these small flags for the occasion. It seems that Mango Airlines played a pivotal role in ousting Jacob Zuma from power…
/grabs tinfoil hat.
Wow, so he actually did it.
Now to see if we get meaningful change.
Am I the only one who is still worried? We still have a VERY corrupt system in place.
There isn’t a politician on the planet that isn’t corrupt. The issue is the outside appearance. Zuma was obvious about it, hence the rand tanking etc.
The fact that he’ll be replaced by savvy people who’ll hide the corruption alot better will restore confidence and the rand will bounce back, which will benefit everyone, regardless of the corruption continuing.
just my 2c
It is why I said meaningful change.
The problem I have with it is that it has been promised before. And yes I am the sceptic, it might be because I havent had a proper shower in over 6 months
Well JZ knows a lot about showers, and I hear he apparently has some free time on his hands now. If anyone can advise you on how to have a proper shower, I’d say he can.
Yea for that to happen we need water first? And that is an issue that will not be resolved easily here.
I overheard someone on a phone call here querying about the water we’re sending to Cape Town.
Apparently due to some virus the trucks being sent are being roadblocked and the water dumped on the side of the road, and now only store-bought water is being accepted.
…like seriously? our tap water isn’t good enough? water is used for more than just drinking if they’re that concerned. but to just dump all the water being donated on the side of the road 0_o
Dunno how true that is, but I do know the trucks get hijacked on the way here
Yeah I’m gonna see if i can get more info. at this point its literally me overhearing a 1 sided conversation of someone talking to someone else about it, so don’t believe too much
Yeah, I didn’t realize you were in that situation, didn’t immediately make the connection. Sorry.
No worries, I think the lack of water makes me cranky and cynical.
- As a result, with reservoirs down to the last dregs of accessible water, the 13-gallon limit we are asked to meet is less than the minimum U.N. daily recommendation for domestic water needs.
That is the part that scares and drives me insane and pi$$i$ me off to no end. That this is our new normal - even if the dams fill up they wont increase our usage - cos they still havent fixed the major issues.
I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you… I’m just reminded how much I have to be thankful for despite all the things we so easily gripe about. Stay strong man.
Luckily we have been able to afford 2 jojotanks, that are fullish thanks to the few drops of rain, plus a salt water pool. We use the pool water to wash our clothing with, flush the loos with shower water and do laundry for three people 1 one load once a week - It can be done, I just miss water pressure and showers that lasts longer than a minute, that i dont have to turn on and off whilst i wash