It remains sad that at this day and age we need to assign a single day to women to make them feel special. Every day is woman’s day! And men’s day. And children’s day. And pancake day. And weird phobia day.
But it does afford us the perfect excuse to make sure the fairer sex KNOWS how we feel about them. So please get ready for a great Woman’s Day on Friday!
Hey, I’m sure our ladies enjoy a good pancake (or waffle or flapjack).
I’m skittish about saying something like “Happy Women’s Day” because my mom beat that out of me (not really beat, but you know what I mean) as a kid. She appreciates that the day is there and stuff, but she always found the existence of stuff like the Minister of Women, Children, and People with Disabilities as offensive.
Anyway… You did make a valid point…
I appreciate you, women of MEW! Keep on being awesome.