Assetto Corsa & AC Racing League [MEWRL]

Listen, I just want to say it out loud and proud: I love @Slinx! :heart:

He is humble, drives like a rocket and goes above and beyond to host all these races! I salute you, sir!


I used to love @GregRedd for hosting the F1 leagues, but… uhm… yeah, well…


I appreciate the love @oltman (and others!) <3

You guys are a pleasure to host for. I will keep going as long as there are people willing and able to race.


As for that @GregRedd dude… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I just wanna say, @SlinX is my friend and you can’t have him.



I think the overly complicated systems that codemasters uses to host online leagues (dirt and F1) has taken its toll on Greg’s sanity.

Oh the memories of playing musical chairs in the F1 lobbies :joy:




The 2 tracks for tomorrow will be Oulton Park and 60’s Silverstone.

I’m changing the running of the event to how it was before, so no leaving between sessions, only rejoin when the track changes.
This means we’ll have to do some qualifying which is probably a good thing because qualify = practice for many drivers.


Can my dad still register and join?


Yes of course, I won’t be closing registrations at all, anyone is still free to join.

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Great stuff! Can you possibly send a new registration link please. None of the above works :neutral_face:


They will work, the server is just down atm. try again in about 10 minutes.


Gerhard, what / how do you make your screenshots? I just can’t seem to find the right combination of settings to get such great action shots. Please share some tips and settings.

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I’ll check my settings when I’m back at my pc😂 I am a photographer on the side as well, so after making the screenshots, I transfer to Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom

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Shout out to @SlinX making sure we don’t get an unfair advantage with too much practice, loading up a different track than what we are running tonight :rofl:


Corona Cup II Limited Edition collaboration collection available now:


I love this :joy:

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We’re racing the long version of Oulton Park without chicanes which is why I changed it to that. If I wanted to surprise you, I would have switched it this evening :slight_smile:

Not that I can really do anything about it, but I just thought I’d say that I feel like it’s not in the spirit of the corona cup to put in 30 laps of practice for two 7 lap races. I try to encourage close racing with the tracks and race lengths I’ve setup, but if people want to become hotlap heroes, that’s up to them.

I can understand if there are guys trying to make it into the top half of the grid, but c’mon @GerhardNiemand @aldyr @DarthMol, you guys are fast enough, give the others at least some chance of seeing what your brake lights look like :smile:

As for unfair advantages, it’s not really unfair, it’s just not the spirit of the corona cup that’s all. It’s not illegal to do 300 laps of practice if you so choose.



These are my settings. You keep the replay playing when you take screenshots to get the motion blur

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My badddddd. I forgot that this arrive and drive :joy:

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This has been a PSA brought to you by MEW Racing League

(but seriously… don’t take it too seriously, this is meant to be a fun league)

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