So I’ve been seeing a lot mentioned about the Dota 2 Mod Auto Chess and how it’s now spawned a couple of separate releases.
Dota Underlords from Valve, Teamfight Tactics from Riot and Auto Chess from the guys who made the mod. They are all proving to be pretty popular, Underlords is trending near the Top 10 concurrent players on Steam, Teamfight Tactics is one of the most viewed games on Twitch and while Auto Chess is only available on mobile it’s proving to be very popular too.
If you don’t know what Auto Chess is here’s a brief overview of the original concept:
I gave Dota Underlords a go and it seemed pretty cool, it didn’t grip me though. A friend then recommended I try out Auto Chess on mobile, I wasn’t so sure that it would work too great on a phone but I figured I may as well… and now I am hooked.
The cool thing about Auto Chess is that you can start with shorter and simpler Novice matches that give you a chance to figure out how the game works at a manageable pace. Once you get the basics you can then start going into the deeper strategy. The game also has some great team composition guides for powerful team builds that can secure you a win. These guides are accessible in-game which is very handy.
It is very satisfying when you make a comeback from last place - having sacrificed a few rounds in order to get the perfect team comp that allows you to beat the other players who were once thrashing your team.
Has anyone else tried one of the Auto Chess variants?