Beating Off 2.0

Morning everyone.

I couldn’t sleep with an aircon either, I can’t deal with the noise.

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I have a massive industrial fan next to my bed. I need the noise.

Jou kop raas

Crusader - I barely register the sound of the aircon when I use it at my brother’s place.
As for temp, I put it at 20 to fall asleep to, only leave it running for an hour


Morning everyone!

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Ten things I discovered and learned whilst home alone (Mrs & Miss are away for a family wedding in Australia) over the weekend with no internet connection (thanks Vumatel!):

  1. I am way, way, way too reliant on the internet for entertainment.
  2. Vodacom’s 3G signal in my area sucks.
  3. Vumatel’s weekend support sucks even more.
  4. There’s a USB port on the TV in the bedroom that I can use to watch stuff from a hard drive.
  5. Audio in .mkv video files doesn’t work on the bedroom TV.
  6. You can use VLC to convert video files to a different file format that do play audio on the bedroom TV.
  7. You can email .mobi book files directly to your Kindle account without having to transfer the file to your iPad manually.
  8. If you have a wifi only iPad or Kindle Reader device, you can’t download the .mobi file you e-mailed yourself without an internet connection, so you’ll land up having to connect the iPad to your computer and transfer the file manually through iTunes anyway.
  9. My neighbour’s wifi password is not “admin”, “password”, “12345”, or “dontstealmybandwidth”.
  10. Making the 45-odd World Rugby 7’s Las Vegas Superbru picks on your phone is a real pain in the arse.



I vote for a “Ten things I discovered and learned…” thread by @GregRedd. Must be updated weekly. (Since Chooseday! died a quick death in September…)

All in favour say “Aye”


Bollocks. I don’t think I learn enough new things every week to even attempt that. I may however consider reviving Chooseday though… maybe.


It could be our own MEW Reality Thread. It’ll be a hit! Promises :grin:


i have just remembered Mygaming launched 10 years ago last month, time goes by so quickly :open_mouth:


Morning everyone


Its aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalive

how goes it?

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Wow! So long ago. I think I joined up in 2011 which is also a long time ago.

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omgosh the boss’ LTE router he brought from home keeps dropping connection , its sooo damn annoying


Could have predicted that…


adding some antenna’s to the router might help

Lol I wish its an el cheapo Huawei thing he brought here that has no antennas.

I was busy moving the router now to see if I could get a better signal and he decides he is going to help and goes and unplug everything, router, server, ups etc. No nothing works… Fml


I’m assuming this piece of crap?


hahaha Wenz ek wens ek kon help

Stomach cramps started wish I knew what triggered it.

but still being good and eating snap peas for lunch

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Yup that is it. And it’s paired with a rain lte sim card but of course we don’t have sufficient coverage at ou building.


So now we are stuck waiting for the IT luminary to arrive, he has been on his way to our office since 9:30 this morning as he was supposed to come sort something with the server out this morning already