Local game servers for SA coming via AWS from 2020, don’t hold your breath as you’ll die. 2020 is still a long wait.
Ek wonder hoeveel mense al jou Ross goed gaan vang
Lol dis hoe ek voel op die oomblik…my werk maak my so die moer in
but if people need a laugh go look at the comments on Facebook on this post:
You’ll love he’s response to the allegations
ja i saw, it was the best thing i saw all of yesterday!
Tomorrow is Red Dead Redemption day…who’s ready?
I will be ready once I get that shipped notification
go go go enter
petrol is estimated to come down by a whole 3 cents, i suggest we throw a braai on this amazing news coming from the government
Be still my beating heart…
Mornin’ everyone.
Hectic day is gonna be hectic.
Even the smallest victories can win a day.
Morning people of the palace
Over this heat
And its only day two without my car and I am ready to chew my wrists out of frustration
Morning peoples!
Oh man, just have to survive today to make it to the weekend.
You can do it!
I already have a headache from how people are talking to me and its not even 9am yet.
Hello people
My pc is tired; think it needs a proper cleanup with a format. But I don’t have the time or energy for that.
Can anyone see the weekend yet??
The ongoing mafia game seems to be very similar to Secret Hitler. Its quite interesting
Pick and pay need to get their shit together! was in the express lane and some lady had about 20 items and she just split them up!
So payed 10 for with a cart and 10 for with cash making the express till even slower!