Beating Off 2.0

@Entity welcome back dude!! You’ve been missed.

Also morning to everyone.


What was you time? Well done on competing by the way.


I clicked Respawn :slight_smile:


Thank you @czc, but I didn’t compete. I was part of the crew. Was there from 03h30 until 17h00, so we could say my time was 13h30 :rofl: Ambient temperature recorded at our location ws 39 degrees, but apparently Kyalami was worse.

Experiencing the vibe was incredible, I’d seriously consider participating next year


Couldn’t find the Respawn button?? :wink:


Meep meep and stuff


hi hallo hello mornings

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Having such fun putting script injections into text fields while testing software. Usually causes some hilarity with devs who are not very experienced.

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…or just naive

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Yay leave has been approved, can’t wait

But you have to.

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People eating fancy foods in the office that smells amazing, is killing me, this diet sucks

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What diet?

What diet are you on? And why? :thinking:

Are you finishing on the 12th?

just healthier eating in general - the why is kinda obvious in the group pic that was loaded from the capies burger night. aka smoothies for lunch, smaller carb free dinner at night, less sugar (yes I know its an addiction struggling to break that) and more exercise per day. so far 1kg per week for 4 weeks now. But today the food smell is killing me! I want foooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.

I wish, 13th - we will leave early tho that helps. Did I do my counter wrong?

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Its probably right. I just ignored all the hours after the days column.

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It does include weekends as well - couldnt set it up without it

I tried giving up carbs once, damn nearly stabbed someone over a braaibroodjie 3 weeks into my diet.

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I don’t like these diets where you leave out a whole food group. Unless you have some interesting disease like Mikhaila Peterson.