Beating Off 2.0

hahaha at least not that bad but ja, i think the IT guy said the version we have will no longer be supported by microsoft from this year

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Ag ek dink hulle lyk cute!

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Aaargh, It’s server 2008. Luckily not my circus or my monkeys.

Just going to say this “To be 100% POPI compliant you need to ensure that operating system and application updates are current and up to date.”

Unless they’re willing to pay the “up to R10mil” fine, in which case I guess it’s fine

i know hey i know and they also know

I would like to hear someone try explain this to my directors.

Its interesting how many people are seemingly ignorant of POPI. We had a software provider try sell us into a whole new package the other day and he seemed a bit lost when I asked why their servers weren’t hosted in SA.

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Ok, I officially have the biggest staff constraint ever. We just got word that the big multi-year project kicking off in Cape Town is a go, for which we need 7-9 new people of various skill levels. Then a big insurer let me know today that we’ve been approved to assist with their internal development audit, for which we need 2 super senior new people. Then we also got word today that a 6 month project in Uganda is also approved, for which we need a new person willing to travel there for the duration.

So I’m in absolute dire need of 10-12 developers, architects and dev-ops specialists. And I need them in the next month or two…

Oh, and with those people on board it will take our staff numbers up to 32-34. Our new offices are already too small.


Anything for someone based in the cape

I know a few good recruiters in CPT; And a couple of people that might fit that bill.

Lead with “Do you have R10mil to spend on fines” and take it from there

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I guess unless you’re directly involved with it people have no reason to worry yet?

Recruiters are a no, as we have an internal recruitment department. Any leads on actual devs / dev-ops specialists would be greatly appreciated.

Of course! The Cape Town project needs the majority of the people on site in Durbanville. So we’re looking at getting at least 5-7 people there. We have one good front-end guy ready to sign a contract already, but no back-end devs or architects. If the people have experience in insurance or finance, all the better…

Pm me your email and the job specs, I might have someone for you.

Morning all


Mornings !


Morning all.

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Morning people of the palace

spent last night in bed - early, thanks to a lovely stomach bug

Hope you feel better today.

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Still not 100%, getting hungry tho so that is a good sign and the nausea is settling down, just the running to the loo hasnt.

That looks awesome



not sure if you are still alive