Burgers, not murders. That’s my motto.
Gotta love this rain
I wasnt prepared (and yes as a capie I am ashamed)
I have been soaked thru thanks to going for buying drinking water
I don’t get it. Why would you buy drinking water?
What a crap day…
Boss told me they’re cutting off internet access for home use (housing is part of my volunteer agreement), then I went and had my first wisdom tooth pulled…
(The internet news was far more painful)
Anything BUT interwebs access…
how will you live without cat videos and MEW?
Since the day zero kak our tap water has been so over chemically treated it tastes kak unless you boil it
So I buy 70L a month for the office and home use.
Why are they cutting your internet use, has someone been abusing it? As for the mouth I hope they gave you painkillers for later today
Netflix, spotify, ice hockey streams, gaming… basically my whole social life…
That’s what I said… “Cat videos and MEW”
Comments on the first couple made inline.
Because head office is comparing us to them. They have 100GB cap each month, and give the people that stay in the housing there get limited access. We’re here with uncapped, and I submitted a quote to get the entire 1.2km perimeter covered with wifi, and they decided it was too much and kill off our home access at the same time, since they’re not paying for an internet connection for us to “play around” at home.
I actually think they’re trying to get rid of me.
Ah okay. I forgot about the water situation.
But didnt they just renew your contract? They would have done it then
Considering we are still level 3 restrictions, aka 105L of water per day instead of 70. Its not a huge difference
These guys change their minds every 5 minutes. I was with the American group from mid-January to late-Feb, so that was what I did full time. Then straight on leave and only got back April 1st. So they managed all that time without me. Gave a bunch of the new stuff on my contract to someone else, which I am actually grateful for. Now I’m getting a new job description, much like the really old one, with a few added things, which I’m quite ok with.
So ya, I’m probably just being paranoid… I’m thinking I’ll just tell them I’ll pay R200 a month for internet at home or something. They like getting money, so maybe that will work.
They think that because one guy doesn’t have wifi in his office right now (his desktop is wired, its just his phone that can’t connect), we should tear down 3 people’s home access to hook him up, instead of buying a R500 AP…
I have this strange feeling that you might live in my area…
Hey welcome to the saffa boss mentality. We will rather break it and remove it than fix it
how is this useful?
Huis Alarm
piep piep 2 piep piep
- 3
piep piep 2 piep piep
- 1
WTF!?! (10 characters)
piep piep nog a piep hooray!
Sorry couldn’t help it.
I have no idea with the alarm.
That is what my dad sent me now
I have to remember that to be able to check the memory and bypass the area that is giving issues
WTF is a piep