Beating Off 2.0

I pressed snooze 2 times


Morninā€™ all

I slept through all my alarms, but still got up in time to do a bit of a workout


My oldest daughter opened my eyes to a whole emotional subculture that has evolved literally over the user interface of whatsapp. I got the discussion going after I heard her exclaim in anger from her room ā€œI canā€™t believe he grey ticked me!ā€

In confusion I asked her to explain to me what this is all about and this is what I learned:

  1. If somene grey ticks you, it means that they are ignoring you, it means that they have seen your message on their notifications but is giving you the cold shoulder by not reading your text in detail
  2. If someone blue ticks you but does not reply it has the connotation that they have read your message but has either not replied, still thinking, conferring with someone else on what to say or just is not replying on purpose

Now between these two UI states in whatsapp lies a whole world of emotional manipulation. I kid you not (excuse the pun). My daughter will literally become agitated if someone blue ticks her, endlessly wondering why they have not gotten a reply.

Worse, being grey ticked actually can bring her to tears, especially if it is a love interest on the other end.

The crazy world of electronic communication!


It is why I turned my read and send receipts off for everyone. I lost it when a ā€œfriendā€ had a hissy fit because I didnā€™t respond to her message immediately after she sent it to me. (I had my phone on airplane mode since I was writing an exam) and only saw the original message at least 3 hours after she sent it. By the time I saw the message she had spammed and spewed vile stuff at me for 3 hours. I replied, was nice and then I told her if that is how needy she is, I will block her. The reply I got was just as nasty so guess what I blocked her.


Yup, same. Too stressful for both parties.

Edit. Donā€™t use whatsapp that often anyway any more. So many other better ones.


Its strange then, my wife and I habitually do our whatapp communications a lot more asynchronously. We reply to comments long after and am happy with it. If she needs something from my direct then I work on getting her request done immediately.

It is almost as if my kids are emotionally tied to the communication, which is bizarre to me.

Dammit, I feel old now


Wow, I just leave my phone laying about. I almost never answer immediately.


I respond if it is important.
If not then it depends on if I am busy or not. I am trying to use other methods like telegram but so many people only use whatsapp still

I think it is because it is now old fashioned to phone someone - that normal communication has gone away.

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I hate it when someone phones me. Iā€™m not even a fan of text chat any more. Voice notes all the way, or even have a whole conversation using only gifs/memes :slight_smile:


I just accidentally answered a phone call from a sales person in Durban (weā€™re doing a job down there so I answered just in case) They said theyā€™re calling from mobicell, my response was I donā€™t need a cellphone they asked why and I answered because youā€™re phoning me on one now. At least they had a sense of humour and laughed and then said bye. Normally those sales people can get super aggressive.


I hate voice notes again, and even more so the gifs and meme wars/convos


I hate voice notes. If you want to talk to me you call me. Talking at me through a voice note just pisses me off.

Iā€™ll respond to messages as and when I feel like it. If itā€™s urgent, call me. If i donā€™t answer your call Iā€™m not ignoring you, Iā€™m just busy


I will only do voice notes when driving. But even that happens once in a blue moon

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I hate voice notes. Even more than I hate voicemail


ew, voicemail :slight_smile: turned that off years ago :slight_smile:



I donā€™t touch my phone when driving.


Normally neither do - only when its very important - aka once or twice a year.

I have a rule, my phone is in my handbag unless I use it as a navigation tool.

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Android Auto is great. It reads out my WhatsApp messages and I can dictate replies

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Iā€™ve found voice notes very handy during this trip weā€™re taking.

If one of us is busy ā€œmappingā€ a town (we drive up and down every third/fourth street to take measurements), then we communicate with voice notes. Itā€™s safer for the driver to listen to a voice note than read a message (like changing a setting on the radio or infotainment system), and also much safer to respond with a voice note than trying to type.

When Iā€™m trying to explain or convey something nuanced to someone who Iā€™ve been texting, I also switch to using voice notes for that part of the conversation.

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