WOW, Dis stupid, het hy gedink jou pa gaan hom a beter offer maak? Ek meen niemand in hulle right mind bedank voor hulle nie 'n written offer het wat hulle klaar geteken het nie…
Got to vent a bit. Someone at work today said why does it take so long to make dinner he never takes longer than an hour to make dinner. He was so smug about it not knowing why it will take longer than 30 for dinner.
I just don’t fking know AAAAAAA
403 Forbidden
Wel hy kry nie n beter offer by ons nie, maar hy gaan aan bly. Die ding is wel, ons het hom gewys hoeveel mense sy pos soek vir goedkoper as wat hy is. So hy is replaceable. Ons het letterlik 20 applications gekry al. En die advert is nog net op een plek op en net van vrydag geadverteer.
Morning all
Morning another day.
Morning everyone.
Mornings everyone
so maybe moet julle hom notice gee, dis nou as hy julle soos baie probelem gewoonlik gee en iemand nuut a kans gee.
We really do not want to lose him, he is the best person we have had in 10 years. The plan was that he would take over the practice when dad retires. Since we are one of the oldest architectural firms in South Africa, it started originally in 1889 and we are the only branch still left.
Morning peoples.
Good luck there Wyv!
greetings ! just peeking in, i iz very beezy at the moment
my apologies here is the trailer
for anyone interested, personal tax is open. probably can’t submit yet, but you can get it ready
You can submit - I know of a few who has - I dont know how to do mine with the second job - I don’t have an accurate amount for what they paid me per week (yes I was the idiot who forgot to write it down)
And i worry what it will do to my taxes
Also doesnt help that i have been feeling naar since last night, and today the tum is also acting up
Don’t they have to give you an IRP5 at your second job too?
I do think they are - they did get my details for their accountants so as soon as they are ready with it I will submit - even tho technically I dont need to since I earn under the limit.
Anyone know of any tax practitioner people who I can get hold of to do my tax, before I start googling? I did Fiverr work, now I don’t know where to enter that info. Foreign income etc etc no idea
Unfortunately not
Morning all