Bum Simulator
Bum Simulator
TIL of the International Hair Freezing Contest, a sculpted hair competition held at a resort in the Takhini Hot Springs, Canada. The annual competition involves participants sitting in a hot spring and sculpting their wet hair in cold temperatures. The first place prize is $700 dollars.
And because this is reddit, there is a whole subreddit dedicated to posts just like this one
And it has a good sized subscriber base.
Haha that looks so strange!
TIL there are also versions of The Office in Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, France, Quebec (French Canada), Germany, Chile, Israel, and India (in the making). They all sell paper except for Germany, which sold insurance.
Holy crap this made me laugh!
I love that video
See that is why I wanna go to either canada or aus
Czech Republic no 6 wow.
Things are pretty chilled over in Iceland