Bill to regulate distribution of online content approved

CAPE TOWN - The National Assembly has approved the Film and Publications Amendment Bill which seeks to regulate the distribution of online content.

It’s a move the government says will protect children from the sexually explicit material, curb hate speech and revenge porn. But opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) have criticised the legislation as a bid to regulate the internet and as such, unenforceable.

The vote went 189 in favour, with 35 against and no abstentions.

The bill must now come before the National Council of Provinces for its approval before it can be sent to President Cyril Ramaphosa to be signed into law.

New Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane says the rise of the internet and social media made it necessary to amend the existing Film and Publications Act of 1996.

But opposition parties say the Film and Publications Amendment Bill amounts to censorship - and may be unconstitutional.

The Inkatha Freedom Party’s Liezl van der Merwe said: “This bill through the Films and Publications Board, seeks to take wholesale control of the internet. Among some of the provisions, this bill requires everyone who generates some type of revenue from distributing content online to register, pay a fee and have their content approved and classified before they can post it. Well, this smacks of censorship.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters rejected the bill as “impractical”, “reactionary” and a threat to freedom of speech.

The party’s Mbuyiseni Ndlozi says the red berets are prepared to challenge it in the Constitutional Court if necessary.

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Well that sucks…

Um, how are they going to enforce it?

I want to know how we can contact the right politicians in various provinces to tell them hell no.

Uhm sir you have posted content online which offends the president and or famous person x please remove the content as its against the Film and Publications Act, failure to do so will result in blah blah blah.

or hey china old buddy old pal remember that money cough cough we need a firewall comrade

this stuff just pisses me off, its a parents job to protect their kids from the internet,music, movies and games , sure provide them with relevant information to make decisions but its not your job to enforce anything.

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Like a future history book -
‘In 2018, many South Africans lost their land. Shortly after everyone lost their porn.’


excuse me sir we are doing this to protect the children , if you want to watch your filthy BBW ultra electro shock water torture bdsm videos then you will need to pay for this extra package at your ISP, because kids cant get credit cards., just tell the nice lady on the phone you want the Smut Package with extra access to non paid streaming sites because your too cheap to pay for real porn.

Also we will notify a local pastor and your mother because we are the moral police and jy is gagga sies man wat is vout met jou.

just make sure you lock your pc down after you activate it so little jimmy still cant watch anything bad

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Anyone want to apply for this and then get some sense into them

Lol that could work, fill the FPB with a bunch of gamers, and they will never bother us again

They may take away our land, but they’ll never take our freeporn!

Braveheart Truestory :wink:

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