Brute Force Challenge 2023

I had all the intentions… this month I should follow through!


Still catching up with missed stuff from the last week or so… sorry for the delay

Brute Force Challenge 2023: Overall Stadings at 3 August

Current Standings 3 August
Challenger Points Rank
GregRedd 147.0 1
CZC 82.0 2
DarthMol 32.0 3
Wyvern 19.0 4
Beo 13.0 5
Hammer 3.0 6

Whip it! Whip it real good!


Brute Force Challenge 2023: Overall Stadings at 1 September

Post and comment counts up to the end of August have been done. Scoresheet is updated and ready for September submissions. Three months left in the Challenge year.

Current Standings 1 September
Challenger Points Rank
@GregRedd 169.0 1
@CZC 83.0 2
@DarthMol 35.0 3
@Wyvern 24.5 4
@Beo 13.5 5
@DieGrootHammer 3.0 6

2023 Brute Force Challenge Score Tracker.xlsx - Google Sheets


September tally done eventually. Here’s the standings with just two months left to run:

Current Standings @ 3 October 14:30
Challenger Points Rank
@GregRedd 197.0 1
@CZC 87.0 2
@DarthMol 39.0 3
@Wyvern 26.5 4
@Beo 15.5 5
@DieGrootHammer 3.0 6

The Score Sheet has been updated and set for recording all you October articles and topics.

I just realised I hadn’t put in the topic I created for Squardle. Have updated the list for September.

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And updated the standings :+1:t2:

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Thanks! I really should follow through on my intentions to write some articles!


Guys when Greg is announced as the winner - Please let Soli send me a whatsapp so I can get banking details

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Oh crap, forgot about this… we still going to do the prize thing? Let me go maths for a minute…

Final Standings
Points Rank
GregRedd 238.0 1
CZC 87.0 2
DarthMol 39.0 3
Wyvern 25.5 4
Beo 15.5 5
Hammer 3.0 6
1 Like

So, based on the total pledged of R1850, the split is 60-30-10.

Final Standings
Points Rank Prize
@GregRedd 238.0 1 R1110
@CZC 87.0 2 R555
@DarthMol 39.0 3 R185
@Wyvern 25.5 4
@Beo 15.5 5
@DieGrootHammer 3.0 6

To keep it as straightforward as possible, I propose:

@DarthMol (Pledged R250)

@CZC (Pledged R300)

@GregRedd (Pledged R250)

  • Keep R250
  • Get R300 pledged from @Wyvern
  • Get R300 pledged from @SIGSTART
  • Get R65 balance pledged from @DarthMol
  • Get R300 pledged from @Solitude
  • Get R150 pledged from @Anonymous
  • Send R255 to @CZC

Please check my maths and let me know if there’s anything wrong.

I’ll send DMs with my bank details to @Wyvern, @SIGSTART, @DarthMol, and @Solitude shortly. And separately to @Anonymous. @CZC, DM me your bank details please.

That said, I know it’s been a really crappy year for many, so please don’t feel obligated to make these payments. I understand completely, would have no issue with that at all, and would obviously never share that information. 'tis all good.

As for doing this again next year…? Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.


Congratulations @GregRedd for a very deserving win! We appreciate the effort you put into all the articles and topics. Well done @czc with 2nd, at one stage I thought I’d try challenge you but it’s been a busy year and each month passed without me putting in another article.


Congrats @GregRedd ! Well deserved!


Congrats @GregRedd you are a deserving winner. Also thanks for organising the challenge this year.

I think it can stay the same. This was a horrid year, I’ll try do better next year.


Hey Sir Redd,

It is a well deserved win! I shall send your monies an a while :smiley:

Congrats and thank you for all the work you do to keep us alive and kicking!


Don’t forget to send me your bank details please @CZC


Congratulations @GregRedd! Thank you very much for running the challenge and to everyone for participating.