Celebrating Name days

Does anyone else celebrate their name day? I don’t think all cultures have a name day. Today was mine, as well as one or two more here.


What’s a name day bud?

Doesn’t the Jewish culture have one?

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It’s basically celebrating the day of the year that is linked to your given name. It was a big thing with my Greek friends.

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Nope, had never heard of the practice.

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Its a big Greek tradition, my S.O’s family celebrate their name days

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Interesting. It’s the first I hear of this.

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I have heard of it, but we do not celebrate it at all

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Dagga is already getting to people heads. Making up new days to celebrate stuff O_o


Nope don’t celebrate it but have heard of it

never heard of name days.

must add to my list of random things to research. :smiley:

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Also never heard of this, how do you figure out which day is linked to your name ?

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I found this calendar.


I guess it will depend on where your name comes from if it appears on the list.


According to that 11 March for me

Seems we share a name day

TIL that may name day is 3 December.

Now the important question - Do you get presents on your name day?

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Hey my name day is 26 December. That’s pretty awesome!!


mmmm my name day seems to be 6 September if i go on the variations of my name…

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Happy Name Day to all the Mikes out there.


Whoa… I completely missed this topic. Thanks for the random necro, @czc :grin:. It’s actually really interesting.

My name day is 24 June.

Two questions:

^ This very important question was never answered. Folks who celebrate name days: Do you give/receive presents on your name day?

  1. What happens if your parents decide to give you a name like Anakin or Kahlan? Do they also get to choose a name day for you?
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You too dude