Cities Skylines 1 & 2

Yeah I think the new MacOS emulation is also powered by Proton I believe.




In all our conversations about game prices, did we miss that CS2 is coming to PC Game Pass Day One (and later in the year to Console)?


Well at that price count me in!


No bikes in CS2 on release.

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Built for consoles and PCs from the start.

Parking will be important.

Massive maps! 172 km2 and over 4000 items. 441 tiles.

Lighting is physics based.

Simulation overhauled, cims react to the environment. There is a redesigned economic system.

Pathfinding and traffic AI have been reworked.

“Another cool and new thing is the introduction of parking spaces, which really makes the cities feel more realistic,” Hallikainen adds. “The citizens need to find a parking space and that will further drive up the importance of handling roads and traffic.”

You will be able to track your citizens and their finances.


The first of the short weekly Dev Diaries features is out today. There’ll be a new one each week through until September. Here’s the schedule:

Feature Highlights 1 - Roads Tools

I’m loving having all the utility pipes integrated with the roads - that’s going to save a lot of time and spare a lot of headaches.


Loving that, it looks fantastic!

I like that utilities are now integrated with roads, probably one of the biggest QOL adjustments. Also, the angle at which the road can be placed and the proximity to other roads. This is shaping up tp be grand indeed, not to mentioned the pedestrian benefits of this too.


Not sure if anyone else watches or follows this guy’s videos, but I have been for a while and his content is great.

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Yeah, watch the guys videos. “Put the pipes right under the road where they belong” Is stuck in my head now. :smiley:

All things considered it looks like they took all the best mods and included them straight in the game for both PC and Console gamers.


Feature Highlights 2 - Traffic AI

Why do the citizens of your city make the decisions they do and how does that affect traffic simulation? In today’s Feature Highlights, we go over the improved Traffic AI. :red_car:

Path Finding Costs:

  • Cost
  • Comfort incl. Parking
  • Money
  • Behaviour

Auto rerouting - check that three point turn!. Road accidents. Weather impacts.

I’m ready for this now already!


Feature Highlights 3 - Public & Cargo Transportation

How do citizens and goods get from A to B? VIA PUBLIC & CARGO TRANSPORTATION! DUH! The third Feature Highlight video is all about it, so pull out your transit passes and let’s head over to Knowledge City!


Transport stuff looks better than CS1.

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Looks like a tech tree as well as milestones.

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Feature Highlights 4 - Zones & Signature Buildings

Ready to plop, plop, plop?:building_construction: :houses: Take a look at new & returning zoning tools, types, and options in Cities: Skylines II. :factory: Find out what makes Signature Buildings special and how you can elevate your city’s neighborhoods using this brand-new feature. :city_sunset:


Did you see the new way of placing farmland? Looks so much better.


Feature Highlights 5 - City Services

:hugs: What makes your citizens happy & what doesn’t? :smiling_face_with_tear:
Learn how you can cater to the many basic & special needs your citizens have, with the brand-new city services coming in Cities: Skylines II.

Excellent stuff. So keen on SC2 already - bring it now!


Playlist of the five (so far) Developer Insight Videos that are posted a day or two after each of the Feature Highlight videos.

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Missed a couple of the weekly Feature Highlights:

Feature Highlights 6 - Electricity & Water

We’re here to shock you with the sixth episode of the Feature Highlights, all about Electricity & Water. How has the gameplay been changed and improved in the sequel? LET’S FIND OUT!

Feature Highlights 7 - Maps & Themes

New landscapes, new challenges, endless limits! Are you ready to think big cause the world just got a whole lot bigger in Cities: Skylines II.:world_map: Which map will you build your dream city on? Let’s find out in the newest Feature Highlight, all about Maps & Themes!

Feature Highlights 8 - Climate & Seasons

:sunny: Some days are for sunshine & rainbows.:rainbow: Some days are for, well, rain! :cloud_with_rain: Introducing Climates in Cities: Skylines II that brings changing seasons with maps inspired by real-world locations. In this episode of Feature Highlights, learn how Climate controls weather, seasons & how to prepare your city for a natural disaster.

The Developer Insights playlist mentioned above has also been updated, with #8 due to be added on Thursday.


Feature Highlights 9 - Economy & Production

:moneybag:All thing money and STONKS! :chart_with_upwards_trend: How will you steer the economy of your city? What city services will you invest in & how well will you balance supply and demand? :money_with_wings: Learn all about Economy & Production in today’s feature highlight!