Cities Skylines 2

You dont have have to… and thus you should not buy the game knowing there are problems. The devs actually warned people before release, so that you could, knowing there are problems, cancel any pre-orders (just dont pre-order, folks!) and avoid our disappointment. I dont know of ANY devs doing that before!


Devs warning doesn’t make it much better. It means they know it’s broken/unoptimised but will release it knowingly. Devs who delay their release deserve praises the others no.

Depends what you consider playable. If you have to jump over hoops to get it to even 30fps on top end systems then I don’t consider it playable.
As for temperingexpectations that sounds to me like more excuses for delivering shoddy work.Devs need to deliver finished products not semi finished ones.
But each to their own. I won’t be buying half finished products. I hope more gamers will starting holding devs & publishers accountable.

Maybe it does not make it better, but it does show that the final release date and decision was not up to the devs, but the publishers.

Devs who can convince their publishers…


While people are complaining about oPtiMAzAtiOn iS bAd and getting their panties in a twist about a game they couldn’t care less about, I’ve been enjoying the hell out of the game. Its runnign perfectly fine for me with no issues or hitching whatsoever, even on my aging PC.

The game is glorious!!! While there are still a few things I would like to see change and added from a gameplay and content perspective, this is the new gold-standard for city vuilding games for the future.


Per Steve of GN one of the worst optimized games he has ever tested…

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From reddit. I think the mods thing might be it. Granted the performance issues in the beginning were bad but they are getting better every update. I think, my PC can’t actually play this game.

CS2 is playable and more complete than an early access title. Yes it has bugs, but you can build cities, transit networks, analyze demand, traffic, and other issues.

People are just mad they don’t have access to mods yet and are blaming not playing on bugs that barely affect anything.

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I’ve played over 150 hours of the game already, and I have to say, it is far better than the online discourse would suggest. Steam ratings are already rebounding after a slew of updates and optimization improvements. Currently, on my middling and aging hardware, I can run the game on medium settings and always have over 30 fps. Which is far better than CS1 ever ran on my PC, so I am happy.

Here are some screenshots from my first proper city I created.


That’s a pretty city! :star_struck: What’s your population count?

The most impressive thing about CS2 for me still is the amount of content, tools, and features it has in its vanilla format. The amount of mods you’d need to replicate the same in the original game is what destroyed performance of CS1 on my machine.

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That city is currently at about 60k cims. This is a city I started working on when the game released, but got a bit unplayable when I reached that population number. Right now, I’ve picked up that save again because not only it is playable, but many of the issues of the city have been patched, and the city has grown from there.

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I’ve been watching youtube videos and it runs okay. I think once again people built it up in their heads and are disappointed when it doesn’t do what they wanted now.

I mean some mod creators have even deleted their mods because of the communities bad attitude.

How are the vanilla road tools anyway?

Vanilla road tools are amazing!! You have way more freedom and ability to create roads that you would want to see. They are much more dynamic and much more forgiving. The grid being broken some times are either due to user error not using the road tools correctly, or only being complained about by OCD a-holes. To be honest, cities looks much better with some space between some buildings so having broken grids is actually a good thing.

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I am glad some are enjoying the game but general consensus hasn’t changed.

As for its steam rating improving. Its all time is 58% , its recent is 41%. Seems to be going in the wrong direction.

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The big “Economy 2.0” patch is out.

Here’s the full patch notes:

(Or on the Paradox Forum if you prefer.)

Here’s CPP’s pre-patch video highlighting much of what the patch contains:


Oh, and just seen the City Planner Plays is doing a livestream to speedrun through a test of the new patch, starting in about 10 minutes from now. (Will post his summary to replace the livestream video once it’s out.)


Still waiting for the Xbox release.

Surprise detailers patch just 9 days after the economy 2.0 patch.

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So that’s what it was! I’d left the Xbox App running on my machine overnight to redownload Manor Lords, and saw a notification that a CS2 update had finished downloading too.

Looks like it may now be time to go back in and potter around for a bit. If only time could stop for a while…

Detailed patch notes on Steam: