Cities: Skylines

Dude tha tis one good looking city you got there. Did you grow it from a normal game by unlocking everything?

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Built it normal game, still need to unlock monuments at 80K and a few of those special buildings.

Haven’t ever used mods. They kinda scare me…


Seeing those screenshots make me want to play the game. Have always wanted to and yet have never played it even though I got it in a Humble Bundle or something.

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I’ll be honest, I’ve not played the game without mods at all. All my cities I’ve built have had some mods included. Some mods like Automatic Bulldozing of abandoned buildings, Better road network construction, better traffic flow, different buildings and different interchanges. Adding a bunch of mods really takes this game to the next level.

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There is a mod that looks interesting for a challenge is the Real Time mod.

It makes rush hours when people go to work and go home again.

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Played around with that one. I found it doesn’t always work as intended, as it means that traffic issues occur at weird times of the year, or not the day, and makes you loose money at some times. Just because the game has a weird relationship with time.

Check out Precision Engineering as well. It’s a great mod


Sorry for reviving an old thread. Recently thought I would try out Cities Skylines seeing as it is on Xbox Game Pass library. And I must say, this game works surprisingly well giving the controller based controls. I have become infatuated with the game and been playing it exclusively since I started over the weekend. I guess the biggest downside is the lack of mods on console.

I do wish they could make a remaster with a newer or updated engine that could take advantage of the newer hardware, and possibly run at 60fps.

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Feel like a bit of an Architect from The Good Place. I finally have a city that is looking promising after about a hundred attempts (kidding, not kidding).


Noooo, you’re making me want to play this again! I’ve already gotten back in ONI and Rimworld because of you people!

Dude, it’s all I’ve played in a solid weak. I am smitten with this game.

Damn, these hydra damns are frustrating me. I just can’t seem to find a place where they don’t overflow the river or just drowned themselves.

Also, I am really hoping the DLCs go on special some time soon. Would really like alot of their respective content.

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Ah yes, it was always fun to build a dam and then watch parts of your city be flooded.

bwahahaha, and I still have it in my library thanks to the free copy you gave me. But no, this will have to wait. I already don’t have time.


I find night mode nice for pictures but playing in it is actually quite difficult.


Agreed, I was busy install a Quay around the shoreline and it went to night, after a while I switched it off and saw my dilemma.

Really enjoying the screenshots. I find myself zooming in looking at your layouts.


Evolved a bit more since, if you want more. I am loving this game and will likely get a few DLC once funding supports it. I’ve played around 30 hours in two weeks.

Some nuances I’m finding:

  1. Can’t place anything if it isn’t road side.
  2. Can’t terraform any ground once a building has been plopped.
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This game is gonna be the death of me. Just about every night I am going to bed around 1am.

This was me about 5 years ago. I had a MEGA city that I spent like 60 hours on. I lost the save somehow and just never got back into the game. I even lost the screenshots :cry: