Gather around and get comfy children, for the tale about the stupidity of the Guineafowl is long and full of mystery.
The humble guineafowl we know a loathe today forms part of the family Numididae in the order Galliformes. These birds have historically been silently at the center of many of history’s greatest blunders.
It all started on a late summer’s day in 1329, in the lands of Saxony. History buffs would know that this was the first true sighting of the stupid guineafowl. These birds emerged from the undergrowth of the forest to make nest in a little village in rural Saxony. Many people were baffled and intrigued by these speckled birds, and quickly the town made a name for itself. Little did they know of the horrors of their future.
It started with a little boy named Marcikus writing the most stupidest answer of all time to a test in school. Then his little sister started eating tree bark. His mother took off her clothes and started singing “I had a dream” 670 years before Westlife made it popular. Stranger and stranger things started happening with this families immediate friends, until the whole town was a stupid as a bag of rice.
This town was later renamed as Pretorea, and the name later used for the South African city Pretoria, mostly for the same reasons.
As time went on, many more strange and stupid things kept happening. The black death, the last crusades, onion ring toast, the Napoleon wars, all of these idiotic events directly traceable to the presence of guineafowls.
Only in 1879 did the famous botanist Karl Koch, mere weeks before his death, discover that most, if not all life’s stupid event could be traced directly to guineafowl. These creatures from the depths of Hades have extremely unique brainwave activity, affecting cognitive capabilities of all within their vicinity.
It was only later in 1913 that scientist could take this research and successfully synthesize counteracting wave lenghts. This technology was widely implemented with radio waves, and later in 1956 added to TV signals. To this day, a piece of spectrum used for mobile internet transmission is used to carry these counteracting wavelengths.
These wavelengths successfully neutralized the negative effect of the stupidity of guineafowls, but there was side effects. With these waves now emitting from the fowls with no receptors, they underwent radiance resonation and reverted back to the guineafowls. making them even more stupid, thus creating a self-sustaining loop of ever-increasing stupidity.
This is why you will see guineafowl so the most stupid things imaginable. All perfectly explained through the usage of science and history.