Coronavirus - COVID-19

With added crysis remastered integration, changing color to what current suit ability is activated :stuck_out_tongue:

and now that I think about it, that would be kinda cool.


Maybe then it can also restrict air intake and outtake in order to assimilate what a COVID patient goes through…


Must be a cloth mask with filters. I’ve got one like this and it doesn’t fog anything up (I don’t wear it in public though)

It’s all fun and games until it starts making connections to AWS


I personally think it’s crazy. But then that’s exactly what Razer with their RGB everything approach are aiming for here. Also let us not miss the fact that the mask has a mic and amplifies your voice so you can sound like Bane or even Darth Vader if you’re a heavy breather!


But now on the topic of masks, in this heat, I need something else, the buff works in winter, but in this heat I am dying and its triggering my anxiety.

I am looking at these kinds:


My buffs work better than these double layered masks. I’ve seen some manufacturers use nylon in their buffs, be sure to get the proper Buff™️.


The buff is seriously killing me, I am soaked by 10am and I cant deal with it - we have no aircon where I work so the buff is just to much - and yea I have the proper ones

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Just got a letter from our school (CURRO) that they are also closing until 15 Feb after the minister’s speech this morning. We have remote learning and it has been working well in the lock down, but this seriously screws with our day jobs. It sounds insensitive, I know. I am not trying to be. But, I am already worried enough about our work without having to worry about what to do with my kids.

Who else will be having hassles with home schooling for a month?


Most families I know are gatvol of this, kids are going nuts, parents are too stressed, and then expected to pay full on school fees for stuff that you have been doing

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Ah no. I haven’t had word yet from our kids’ school yet but it seems that the delay is applied to all schools. They won’t be thrilled that’s for sure.

This also has a big impact on my wife’s preschool. There’s only so much online learning you can for really young children. The financial implications are not great either with parents wanting discounts or fee waivers. That and the fact that there is no more TERS money to help independent institutions. It’s looking to be a rough start to the year.


School is supposed to open on the 20th of January, though I haven’t received anythingfrom them regarding this, yet. Last year it was hectic, for us as parent with a job and the baby in the house. Having to take on the role as a teacher was difficult, not to mentioned seperating the roles of parent and teach, under what capacity do you discipline? It is tough.

EDIT: I checked my mail and as a result:

In support of the recent decision to place SA on level 3 lockdown in order to flatten the curve, we have made the decision to postpone the start of the 2021 academic year to the 27th of January.

We will monitor the situation very carefully and in the event of any significant changes we will give an update on Friday the 22nd of January and advise whether or not it will be necessary to revert back to our online teaching/learning platform.


Good news for my wife, the ECD centres can stay open. Good news for the parents too who are needing the child care.


Global Deaths now over 2 million.


It is finally at a point where I am starting to dream of COVID and such.


Good news, everyone! After I tested in order to come back to work, and was then told to go in and work while awaiting results, my test came back positive! :+1:
11 days after testing! :+1:
Working on site every day :+1:

There was a stuffup with the company labs, though, which is why the results took so long, and literally everyone that tested on that day came back positive, so I was sent to test again yesterday. This time it was an Antigen test, with results after ~15 minutes, showing I’m negative. Who knows about the two weeks in between, though :frowning:


Its madness dude


Dam what the heck

thats just messed up how can one thing take 2 weeks and the other 15 minutes


Can I just say that I am so tired of people with their conspiracy theories. You can debunk everything they say but they are so stuck in their beliefs that they are putting their own lives and those around them in danger.

If you don’t want to take the vaccine because you are worried about long term effects then it’s something I can understand. However if you don’t want to take the vaccine because of Bill Gates or “The Great Reset” or chips in the vaccine or ridiculous nonsense like that then I’m up for a debate. Because it’s stupid.


Im taking the vaccine even though I am worried about long term results or if this turns into the new flu shot yearly.

I just want the world to return to normal. I am not a social person as we all know, but even I am starting to get tired of going home, foodshop or work only. I have been one of those who hasnt set foot in a restaurant, or any place like that. If I go to the mall out of necessity then its a case of in and out as fast as possible.And that only happend 2 times over the xmas holiday cos I needed certain items that I couldnt just buy online.

I will have to go into a clothes shop besides an empty woolies (we got lucky and went during loadshedding times and the mall and shops were empty.) If the shop looks busy, I dont go in.


Preach brother!