Dauntless Launches as Free-to-Play & Cross-Platform

Dauntless is a free-to-play action role-playing video game developed by Phoenix Labs and published by Epic Games. The game initially launched in beta in May 2018 for Microsoft Windows. The game launched on May 21, 2019 for PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, including full support for cross-platform play.

Phoenix Labs announced today that Dauntless has reached 4 million total players. The free-to-play multiplayer action game had its official launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Epic Games Store on May 21. Until then, Dauntless had been available on PC through betas and early access.

Just 24 hours after the official release, Dauntless gained 500,000 new players. Phoenix Labs is planning to release the game to Switch and mobile in the future.

Anyone who tries it out let us know how it is. Am especially interested to here what its like cross-platform and whether the one account thing works between platforms.


I tried it out, I wasnt sold on it.

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I did the early beta and it was not bad, very much a free to play monsterhunter, i will check it out how it is now with full release

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I tried it out, I like it.

But don’t like playing with randos, so I’ll have to wait till I have more friends playing

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I would very much like to try the game but…

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Man that must be a worse cue than anything I’ve waiting in in South Africa or even a messed up Socialist Venezuela.

at least at 20000 now XD

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Right, so roundabout 10 mins after joining the queue at 30000 I got in, which is not bad, I then started playing and did not stop until 3:30 in the morning, which I think is a very good thing. I will be comparing my experience to what I did in the beta so here i go:

  • Loading times in and out of hunts are A LOT faster, beta we had to stay about 10 - 20min in loading screens when entering and exiting hunts so that is a huge improvement.
  • Breaking off parts and interrupting/staggering the behemoths is still a lot of fun, and quite satisfying.
    I only played with randoms, all in all went quite well, only the one time a random picked a fire weapon against a fire behemoth which made killing it it really annoying, so just like beta, being in a team with people you can talk to will definitely be better and more efficient to killing the behemoths.
  • I played mostly with people on console and from my perspective it looks like they can play the game quite well, I did not see people struggling or doing any worse than I did playing the game.
  • There is some lag unfortunately which is to be expected since we do live in SA, will say however that during the hunts the lag was very minimum, I think I only noticed once or twice where my attacks should have hit, but they didn’t.
  • A big problem I noticed is I couldn’t see a way to leave the lobby after joining it, which meant that if none else joined the matchmaking lobby I would have to solo the monster, which I did have to do.

TLDR: Fun game, can get quite intense, room for improvement, but contains quite a bit of content, better with teammates, if anyone want’s to play, give me a shout.

Epic username: TechThief

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Some stats from the game’s first week:

Other than the long server queues (which I hear are getting better?) it sounds like people are enjoying it, especially the cross-platform aspect. Read a Reddit post yesterday that mentioned playing in a team of friends on PC, 2 Xbox’s and a PlayStation without any issues.

I have played this game everyday since Saturday.

I am really enjoying it. But it is a bit weird at times. I like it cause its not as convoluted as MHW and then sometimes i don’t like it cause its not as complex as MHW.

But i really like the quick nature of it. also havent had any issues with crossplay people. I find most of the time im paired with ps4 and xbox people. Will definitely continue playing it for the foreseeable future.

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