Destiny 2 — The Final Shape

Good to know.

750 was the hard cap for last season - all items were pulled up to the maximum light level at the start of Shadowkeep (so I’m not sure it could be pulled down to 750, as nothing could go higher than that before Tuesday? Unless you’re talking about stuff you got after Tuesday)

Upgrade modules replace all the other requirements needed to enhance equipment (ie, raise its level). You can still buy them for around the same items you would have used before, but now they can also drop as rewards from activities. A great move imo.

They’ve also dropped levels (where 50 was the cap with Forsaken’s launch) and just use the power/light level as the barrier for activities now. All players start at 750, so that new guys can just jump in and play without having to grind through the past 2 years of content.

Power/light level is now soft-capped at 900 (legendary engrams won’t yield loot higher than that), with two tiers above that. Power engrams will drop loot up to 950, and pinnacle activities (raids, high level nightfalls etc) will drop loot up to the hard cap of 960. You can get your character power level up higher than that using the new artefact (which boosts power levels as you gain experience while playing), but armour and guns won’t drop higher than 960.

The biggest change is how seasons will work. In year 2 they added new content with each season (new activities, raids, loot etc), which were then static sets. With year 3 (and beyond, if it works) the aim is to have each season be a self-contained arc that starts and ends. You miss it, you miss out.

This way, they’re going to push the actual story forward and have players feel like they’re actually changing the world - instead of having this weird state where you’re still in year 1 and and year 2 simultaneously.

Using the new system, something like the Dreaming City curse could actually be resolved, instead of it just existing on an infinite loop as a gameplay mechanic.

I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out, and will be along for the whole ride :slight_smile: I went to the moon last night, and it kicked my ass. It feels good to be challenged again after the major power creep of Season 7!


YES! This damn Upgrade modules. And they work out way more expensive than Enhancement Cores. Lame.
Totally ignroed Qornea’s post lol. But I’m still annoyed until I play more and find it easier :stuck_out_tongue:


I went into this quickly yesterday and was surprised that all my gear was suddenly 750. Just dropped into earth, shot two baddies and then realised I’m missing my Borderlands (3) guns too much and I quit again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes aside, I’m glad the transfer to steam was quick and smooth. I’ll definitely be playing this again at some point (soon) . Wish I had the money for Shadowkeep though.

In a perfect world Bungie and Gearbox would join forces and give us the best loot shooter ever, but until then there is a place for both Destiny 2 and Borderlands 3 in my life.


So played some Destiny 2 over the weekend to see what all the fuss is about. And I have to say I actually do like it! It plays unbelievably well on PC, and runs like a dream. But I can see it is a massive time sink, and would be much better to play with other people. And right now I don’t think I can add another ongoing kind of game to my roster. I barely get to the games I want to play as it is. But damn it has been fun to play it for a bit. I’ll continue on with the main story quests to see how it goes.


100% accurate

But unless you’re doing raids it’s actually very easy to drop in and out at any time

Raids is the bane of my existence. I have yet to complete one(fully)

Didn’t you join the Destiny 2 GameClub last year?

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No I did not. I missed the chance to get it free plus I didn’t have a pc then that could play it. So now I just gave it a try to see how it is. And I totally get why peoole love it so much. If I had more time, I would easily mainline this game.


While I am an unapologetic Warframe fanboy, I’d also graciously acknowledge that there are many problems with the game. One problem it does not have, though, is content fragmentation.

I had hoped that Shadowkeep would address that one big issue I had with Destiny 2, but it seems like it won’t. The GameSpot video below illustrates what I mean.

As someone coming to the game even relatively experienced, it isn’t clear from the in-game listings what I’ll be getting for buying Shadowkeep if I haven’t played through anything but the original Red Legion campaign. Forsaken is also still available as a separate purchase, and it isn’t clear what you get for your R399 when you buy that either.

It’s also a little sad that people who spent money on the original Destiny 2 don’t at least get some kind of nod now that all that content is free-to-play. I do feel a little cheated, and therefore disinclined from spending any more money on the game as my purchase may be rendered moot with the next major update.

That said, I’m having amazing fun with New Light. I’ve filled up my last remaining character slot with a Hunter to see what the new player experience is like, and it’s interesting to see how Bungie have repurposed the old tutorials to tell a new story. It’s not completely coherent, but it’s still a phenomenal job all things considered.

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That I can totally get onboard with, especially the “Forsaken price reduction”. I bought Forsaken with the annual pass last year when it was still full price. Luckily back then I had $25 in my Humble wallet and got an aditional 10% off from my Humble Monthly sub (and I think it was on sale too), and I STILL paid more for it than what it’s going for now…

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I do remember seeing somewhere something about existing pass owners getting credit towards future season passes, but can’t seem to find it now…

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If anyone need someone to play with just message me on steam. Would’ve been easier if you had my phone number but I don’t know it from the top of my head. So just a friend request and then a message and boom we can play. :mechanical_arm: don’t have the new expansion but will help where I can. Or as far as I remember

Bungie has started teasing the release of the next expansion for Destiny 2:

No idea why the tweet is embedding properly:

As much as I love Bungie and Destiny in particular, I feel like I’m burnt out on Destiny.

Same. After binging Destiny 2 for 2 years and then buying Destiny 1 with all DLC and binging that, I haven’t been able to bring myself to firing up the franchise again.

Yeah, I still got the Forsaken expansions and didn’t even play that through it’s entirity, feel kinda bad. But then again, been playing Destiny on and off for the past 6 years(?) now.

Sup guys. I have a question or request I hope some of you can help me with. I really want to get the Gambut seal and the Dreaming City seal. If there is some that can help me I’d really appreciate it.

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What power or light level are you at?

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Max I can go is 1222.i do grind all the weekly and some of the daily.

Should also note I have been playing this alot recently. Going to get Beyond light and the new season that is coming in Feb.