Diablo Immortal

Same, pre-installed but getting a gap to play would be nice too!


Oh! It’s that one, the “Do you guys not have phones?!” one from back when we still had in person events like BlizzCon.


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I tried it for a couple of minutes on my phone, it doesn’t look too bad, but I definitely want to see how the PC version looks and plays as I’ll be more likely to play it there 98% of the time.

Yip! Snotty fanbois beware, progress is coming, and HELLS COMING WITH IT!!!


Well, I too have installed it, played a few minutes and that’s it. It’s a bit tricky to get time to play a game like this on the phone. But at least it plays well, even though the performance of the menus are horrible seeing as I have a Galaxy S21 Ultra

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I installed on both platforms. The phone plays well, but its just too small to enjoy. I used a controller and will be using my tablet instead. Will try PC later but expect it to be my platform of choice.

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You mean the crying fans were right? :stuck_out_tongue:


Had some fun with it tonight. Very simplified Diablo and it does not take long to spot the massive monetization efforts in every direction. Luckily I have navigated many such games like Star Trek Online, Neverwinter and Genshin Impact, so if I spend money, it will be a little bit for max gain.

It is good fun though, the grouping is easy through quick group finder tools. The cosmetics look pretty cool, reminds me of POE.


One thing to keep in mind about Diablo immortal: it is essentially an MMO, you cannot run around in your own world. It means, now, at the start things are hectic with 100s of people running around killing things. Interestingly enough, I noticed that your quest mobs only show for you and if you are in a group, for the group. So no standing in line for MMO release day quest mobs to spawn.

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Just a warning for anyone contemplating putting money down for things in this game: all the cosmetics, whether you buy them or you get them through battle pass (paid) are only valid on the character you claimed them on, not account or server wide. Choose your server carefully, the game dumps you in a random server (even on some random NA server) if you start without choosing one.


What @Shrike said!

The top two current posts on r/pcgaming:

This video, referenced in the second of those Reddit threads, suggests that fully gearing up a character could cost in excess of $100 000! (16:09 if the timestamp doesn’t work.)



I am really enjoying it though. That will probably stop when it gets to the grind.


Watching all that stuff, I think I may just skip the game entirely, even though it’s already installed. I don’t want to support crap like that.


To follow on from that

Been playing this game all weekend and have hit that levelling wall. I was enjoying a diablo experience until suddenly I wasn’t. To see more story you have to artificially jump a level wall. Ergh. Uninstall


I think the late 90s and 2000’s sheen is coming off of Blizzard. They are no longer the premiere gaming company they once were.


Tried it. Pretty much like a drug dealer. They try to get you hooked on a relatively fun gameplay loop where microtransactions don’t seem that necessary and then bam, exactly what @Shrike said.

^^ This comment from Blizzard just shows how completely out of touch they are.


I am totally convinced that they have an AI working your odds as you play. For example: in the game you need special thingies to up your chance of a legendary drop, item or gem. After running dungeons for a while you notice that they are very very rare, unless you use the special thingies but not fool proof. In my one session I was doing the story quests and in there you have to fight some NPCs in the safe zone city and one of those NPCs dropped a legendary item for me.

Now usually I would take this as an indication of how gloriously random the drops are but… I started thinking, when last did I use one of those special thingies, it was almost a day before and I have been going dry on them and not using them in dungeons. That made this drop suspicious.

Made me wonder if there is an AI that monitors usage of premium items and if changes the drop chances based on algorithmic criteria on how much you use those items. We all know that casinos use the same rigged systems to milk your brain chemicals.

I am NOT happy where this is going to take gaming in the future.


I was wondering if this would be the case. Thanks for confirming. I’ll uninstall and re-install D3 rather.

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All that train DLC isn’t looking too bad now.