Digits #2 (15/15⭐)
66 (66)
126 (126)
234 (234)
335 (335)
476 (476)
How to Play Digits
Combine numbers to reach the target.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide any of the six numbers to get as close to the target as you can.
You do not have to use all of the numbers.
Select a different number to start a new operation.
Operations that produce fractions or negative numbers will not be accepted.
Get closer to the target for more stars.
Reach the target exactly.
Reach within 10 of the target.
Reach within 25 of the target.
New puzzles released daily at midnight
I’m too dumb for this.
Digits #2 (15/15⭐)
66 (66)
126 (126)
234 (234)
335 (335)
476 (476)
Digits #2 (15/15⭐)
66 (66)
126 (126)
234 (234)
335 (335)
476 (476)
Madness. Thanks Darth.
Digits #3 (15/15⭐)
62 (62)
156 (156)
264 (264)
312 (312)
438 (438)
for Maths Nerds
You rang?
Digits #3 (15/15⭐)
62 (62)
156 (156)
264 (264)
312 (312)
438 (438)
Mic drop, wont need to play again.
Digits #3 (15/15⭐)
62 (62)
156 (156)
264 (264)
312 (312)
438 (438)
I will leave this for just you math nerds
Digits #3 (15/15⭐)
62 (62)
156 (156)
264 (264)
312 (312)
438 (438)
Is there any way to do the previous day’s puzzles?
Digits #3 (12/15⭐)
62 (62)
157 (156)
267 (264)
312 (312)
436 (438)
I don’t think so, it’s like Wordle in that regard.
Well well, this is a nice game
Digits #4 (15/15⭐)
94 (94)
195 (195)
251 (251)
382 (382)
456 (456)
That last one… “Nope, used that number already. Nope, used that number already. Nope, used th…”
Digits #4 (15/15⭐)
94 (94)
195 (195)
251 (251)
382 (382)
456 (456)
Digits #4 (15/15⭐)
94 (94)
195 (195)
251 (251)
382 (382)
456 (456)
Digits #4 (15/15⭐)
94 (94)
195 (195)
251 (251)
382 (382)
456 (456)
Thay was surprisingly fun