Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

I must say - as with Sweden and now Finland, I much much prefer the handling of the car in Dirt Rally 2.0

These were two of my least liked locations in the original Dirt Rally and now I really enjoy throwing the car around them bends.


Well, you might as well jump!

@Munage, @aldyr and @Boogey in a class of their own in Finland (separated by just 30 seconds), with the lead car finishing a full 4 minutes ahead of @DarthMol in P4. Darth, in turn, owns that fourth position 1:40 clear of @the9avenger9 in P5. @Deadlypinecone, @Dragonic, and @WarRack101 all very close in the P6, P7 and P8 slots. Finally, in a distant P9 after my litany of punctures and rollovers, yours truly, charming and delightful.

And with that, we reach Round 9 of the Championship, and our final rally in Europe before we head to the southern hemisphere for the remaining 3 rallies.

:greece: 2020 MEW DR2 Rally Championship - Round #9: Argolis, Greece :greece:

The loose gravel and switchbacks of the dusty tracks in the Argolis foothills of southern Greece have a siren song all of their own. In their seductive togas and leather sandals, the Grecian sirens lull you into a sense of security with their smooth, flowing tones. Moments later, they’ll throw you off the side of a cliff without a care in the world!

The heavy rain at sunset on Stage 8 may cause some late event headaches. Other than that, keep your wits about you, do not get lured too close to the edge by those evil sirens, and you should be fine!

To help get you in the mood to get dust in your eyes, and everywhere else too! here’s a look at the Acropolis rally from back in 2013, the last time it was included as a round of the WRC:

Δύο αριστερά, σφίγγει σε ένα. Μην κόβεις!


What it feels like to drive with a wheel - just needs to be sweating profusely


Like this, only in a car…

Which wheel did you eventually get?

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I was so caught up with organising the endurance race that I forgot to complete Finland :frowning:
I kinda half don’t mind since Finland is so rage inducing anyway lol.


Did a roll off a cliff…

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Went out in style

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I tried to warn you about those Greek sirens and their ability to…

Terminal damage I assume? You should still get at least a point for starting the event.

There are far too many pointy rocks in Greece. Already had to do a tyre change in one of the early stages.

:thinking: Raise your car, soften fast dampers.



Bleeding first and last stages… grrrr!

Puncture at the start of sector 2 on the last stage after hitting a rock that also killed my lights destroyed my hopes of finishing within 5 minutes of @Slinx - alas, not to be.

But, I did hit peak Greg on Stage 8:

Presumably he had a crappy run, but I’m taking the Stage win and framing it!


You can take your win. I lost concentration and with it, all the air in my tyres…


Exactly! :rofl: I got the thrustmaster TMX pro

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so i found a fast line, wouldn’t recommend tho.


Yeah, when your “fast line” adds 8 minutes to your stage time it probably isn’t really a fast line :joy:

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Stage 5 though. The level designer must have been feeling extra salty the day that was designed. I left my front end all over that rock.

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Incase anyone wonders why i havent put in my times yet…


That dog found her new favourite spot


I fired Phil… new co-pilot is a bit furry and only gives directions to the nearest treats