Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

Well I completed it this time around. I’m guessing I’m the only one that gets “you’re going the wrong way” messages occasionally?


Congrats on the finish! Always nice when we get a good number of finishers to an event.

And you’re definitely not the only one who gets “wrong way” warnings. I get so frustrated with myself when I mess up, I sometimes don’t initially even register the warning - got the “disqualification in…” message down to 4 seconds once. :neutral_face:


Ag darn it, I ran out of time, I only got time to do this last night at 11pm, which obviously wasnt good enough. Well done though @GregRedd, I could never catch your times. geez.


I had that doing a triple flip with my car. I had to change the tyre and then found myself driving the wrong way as well.

The results for Round 7 sees 10 drivers with times on the final results board and 2 drivers (@Dragonic and @Massa) who DNFed but were still classified because they did complete at least one stage:

Another solid win for @Boogey - his 3rd in a row and 5th out of 7 so far this season! - sees him solidify his hold on the Championship which he now leads by 26 points. The tussle behind him though is really heating up - @SlinX, @aldyr and @Munage all separated by just a point each.

@Massa is also still in the hunt for a podium finish, while @Deadlypinecone and @DarthMol remain fixed to the middle of the table and to each other - both sit on 24 points.

The lower half of the table is also starting to see some good rivalries building with myself and @Dragonic doing our usual to and fro. @Entity, @czc, @the9avenger9, @WarRack101 and @Konck are also all locked together. Finally, I’m still hopeful that @z1oc and @oltman will manage to sneak a stage or two in to upset things a little before the season ends.

So, while it seems the Swedish snow sucked for some let’s go see how you handle some low level flying over the jumps of furiously fast Finland instead.

:finland: 2020 MEW DR2 Rally Championship - Round 8: Jämsä, Finland :finland:

The jump, jump, jumps of Finland are calling - 2 weeks to cover the 9 fast and furious stages of the dusty forest tracks around Jämsä. You’ll want to wear your back braces and kidney belts for this one!

Here’s the route - just 9 stages, all but Stage 1 are short. Fast and furious, I told you. If you haven’t done any running in Finland yet, I strongly recommend a couple of time trial or custom event practice runs to get used to how your car handles the jumps. It’s exhilarating when you get them right, but a heavy accident is always just one bad landing away.

Be sure to make the most of the Service Point before tackling Stage 6. And think carefully about your tyre choice, S6 is at Dusk with Heavy Rain on a Wet Surface, but the last 3 stages are all expected to be dry. Wet tyres to cope with Stage 6 but will slow you down to the end? Or dry tyres that’ll have you sliding heavily and dangerously close to the edge on Stage 6, but should then see you home quickly if you survive?

Here’s something to help get you in mood to go jumping in Finland.


I’m going to have to really make up for it in the next race to get back up to you now




So update on the rig I wanted to get (G25), deal fell through but looks like I managed to get secure a deal on a G27 holding thumbs this one works out for this Sunday.


Bought my wheel this week! Cant wait for it to arrive :smiley: #DontBeKak here I come!


The face when you realize that @Munage has been posting ridiculously fast times without a wheel!


Like @Konck with a keyboard ridiculously fast.


Actual footage of the Mew-Dirt-Rally-Club in action on Finland!


Got my G27 now to figure out the setup


So many new wheels, I love it. :racing_car:

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Guys, there’s this psycho spectator that keeps following me in the rally. I see her with her phone, taking videos. Psycho stalker bitch. I’ve spoken to my lawyer, and he’s having the restraining order application drawn up as we speak. Pray for me. If I disappear, it’s a brunette, with a flip phone


So despite killing some spectators and finishing the last stage on 3 wheels - I’m pretty happy with my event on the whole. I actually managed to get a prized green sector! Of course I ruined all that with the 41 second penalty for knocking over some fans.

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Ah quite disappointed. 2 punctures lost me too much time.

Probably also made @Dragonic’s daughter cry again


So that was you! Classic @Deadlypinecone always waking my little girl.
Managed to finish ahead of @GregRedd and juuuust just ahead of @WarRack101 by like 2 seconds. finished behind Deadly again but I felt like I should have finished above him given his troubles. Next one then.


I spun on something like 6 of 9 stages, ranging from whoops went too wide and rode a ditch for 50m, to spinning and jumping a 2nd jump in reverse. Would have been better if it was 7 of 9.


I had a shocker of a rally - even more so than usual for me :grinning:. Had it on the roof at least 3 times, in addition to a number of jumps into the trees.

Multiple punctures were my biggest time loss though. Repaired first early on Stage 4, got another one in the final sector, so had to finish that stage and do the whole of S5 on three tyres. Not fun.

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