Dirt Rally 2.0 [MEWRL]

The times are recorded so the game will compare your pace to the current quickest driver on that stage.

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In terms of graphics the only way we will know is if you post a screenshot or video.

I believe @murfle is suggesting that he has driven the car like he stole it.

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haha okay awesome, I thought yaā€™ll were using some wizardry that I wasnā€™t aware of where you could possible watch their run. Thanks for the clarrification.

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I warned you all. Argentina sucks. Always has, always will. I have no idea why you lot voted for it. Iā€™d rather have the slippery kak that is Monaco.

The Progress Tracker on the left side of the screen shows your progress through the stage sector by sector. It shows red or green sectors based on all the drivers that have completed that stage. Getting a green sector after one of the aliens has done their run is huge thing for the majority of normal drivers. But itā€™s very rare.

You can also track completed stage times on the Club website - as stages are completed and the results uploaded, the times are added to the Results screen for the current event on the website. So if you want to see what stage times have been posted by others before you start your stage, have a quick look at the Event and Stage results on the site:


For example, right now, only 3 drivers have set times for the first stage in Argentina, and the time to beat is @aldyrā€™s 6:21. Good luck with that :smiley:

(Be aware that the website is a frequent pain in the arse to use. Always logs you out, regular goes 404, and even will tell you the ā€œthereā€™s no results availableā€ for a stage that 2 minutes early was full of results.)


I, for one, enjoy the punishment the cruel mistress that is the Argentinian Rally has to offer.


I donā€™t know the locations well enough, I just didnā€™t want Poland. Also, it was still an experience! Not necessarily a fun one, but still :laughing:


Trying to determine if a reset is quicker than just correcting yourself.


Reset could get you a DNF I think.

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Be great if you could lift the veil here. I still have no clue, so I default to finding my way back to the road, if possible.


Resetting generally loses you (me!) 10-15 seconds per reset. You can see the amount in the penalty column in Time Trials. I generally try to self-correct because I feel (could be wrong) that itā€™s a little quicker, but too far off the road and reset is the only way sometimes. The problem then is youā€™ve wasted 20 seconds trying to get yourself back on track, and then still get the extra 10 second penalty for using reset.

I think that might only be if we use Hardcore Damage rules? I definitely reset a few times in Scotland last week before blending my engine with that stupid log.


I might have misinterpreted reset with restart.


Jitte, I am struggling to get through a single stage without obliterating my car. Running out of time now, I just have to vasbyt and do it.

What camera are you guys using? Iā€™m either on headcam or the one on the dashboard, with occassional bonnet cam in rain.

Stage 1

This went by fairly well with minor damage. Some of the stage was already commen knowledge as I had been practicing in the shorter variant so last third was better. I managed to set what I though was a competitive time.

Stage 2

This is where it all fell apart and I met my untimely demise with a crash off the mountain side on a hairpin right after a nice, fairly fast, straight section. I applied brakes early enough as I knew it was coming thanks to the calls but either locked up, or struggled for traction and just slid straight off the outer apex and met terminal damage.



Ah boo, another claimed by the mountain. Pick a view and stick with it, is preferable. Else the timing on your muscle memory is going to be wonky


Fun fact: Iā€™ve never finished Argentina due to crashing off of the mountain.


Iā€™ve done itā€¦ once


I, for some stupid reason, am still using the cockpit view.


at Mr. @GregRedd, shouldnā€™t there be a new round of stages?

We have two weeks to complete each set.

Obviously, people are leaving it to the last minute again seeing as Iā€™m in 2nd place right now.


Oh, my bad. I thought it was a week. I guess Iā€™m just itching to get roaring ahain.
